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hi im 15 now
if you mess with my friends you'll have me to talk to.
im 5 foot 2 maybe 3 inch
with blond hair that i dyed black and should have come out a year ago but didn't

one important thing
please don't insult my religion
for one it wont be just me you get angry but a lot of my friends
so just don't do it.

now about me...
i like midevil stuff i own a sword of my own ^_^ and i like midevil magic fantasy roll play :3
my favorite color is back and my favorite real animal is a wolf
fantasy animal dragon :3

i am a Mormon :3 one religion not widely known but we do a lot of stuff
i think we have like 100 something temples all around the world.
if you have any questions go to these sights they should help
if not then pm me any questions and ill be glad to answer them as best i can :3

im really bad at math hate the stuff
reading is my best but i haven't bin reading cuz i started writing
but now i cant write no inspiration you know?
oh well :3

i like Pokemon tho i only have the cards
ive played the game on gameboy and something else for my friends lol
lvling her Pokemon :3

i like making up things so if you ever need help you can ask me :3 ill be glad to help
thank you thank you :3
you'll see a lot of stuff on my profile hope ya like :3
enjoy yall XD

leave a comment if ya want :3

lark wolfwing

lark is a person i made a while back during an rp with a friend of mine :3
shes very dear to me being my first real character.
lark is a shape shifter who can turn into a wolf and dragon a rare changer is what there called.
now lark has a dark side passed down throw her family to every girl child.
its called a blood rage when every they are fighting and taste blood they go into a killing frenzy recognizing no one.
now its only activated when they have tasted so much blood.
lark is a direct descendant of Eloy the first changer ever she to had this but back then it was just when she got mad witch was rare.
as the changers evolved and so forth so did the cures. it turned into a blood rage.

im currently done writing the peace seeker book and i still need to type it up ^-^ but if you want a chapter of it tell me i might post them up on here if not go to my da account witch btw i cant get on anymore .-.


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remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of god
D&C 18:10

Crayola B34R
x-fearless frostfire-x
 shino iruna
Azure Widow
Origin Angel

_______________$ Put this on your page
_______________$ if there's someone you love
_______________$ so much you can't stop thinking of them