Pandy Pandora's avatar

Last Login: 09/14/2023 11:33 am

Registered: 12/01/2005

Gender: Female



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umaybearies Report | 08/02/2022 1:23 am
Thanks for buying heart
SHlR0 Report | 05/04/2016 10:32 am
Thanks for buying
Seren Cavalli Report | 05/02/2016 11:22 am
Seren Cavalli
Thank you for your purchase!
AmbienceofCreativity19 Report | 02/10/2016 11:46 am
Its alright. I managed to find a background that worked for the outfit and was able to enter the contest. Thank you though. Also, I like your profile page, very creative ^^
AmbienceofCreativity19 Report | 02/10/2016 4:52 am
Pardon me, I know that you have the Sainte Agape item up for sale, but it is has an item that would go perfect for my angels and demons theme runway entry. Would it be possible to borrow it for a little bit to put the entry in? Once I enter the contest, I'll give it right back. Please?
Bambi1 Report | 05/03/2015 7:17 pm
Thanks for buying
xxxMaiden_of_SolitudeXXX Report | 05/03/2015 1:01 pm
Thank you for your purchase~ heart
Rowan_Hood Report | 04/30/2015 10:01 pm
Thank you for your purchase!!! heart
Jax IV Report | 04/27/2015 11:36 pm
Jax IV
Thanks for the purchase! If you're using it for alchemy, I got other alchemy items! and more of the elemental spirits, if you need a certain alchemy item but it's not on MP or price is unfair, just send me a PM, or comment on my profile asking for it
SpookyLady666 Report | 04/25/2015 8:08 pm
Thank you for buying! Hope you have a great day. ^_^

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