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Aperture GLaDOS

Aperture GLaDOS's avatar

Birthday: 12/25

Well you found me. Congratulations. Was it worth it?

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"Remember, the Aperture Science 'Bring Your Daughter to Work Day' is the perfect time to have her tested."

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Please be advised that donating to this account will proportionally increase the quality of this cosplay, but not your chances of survival. Also, cake will be served.


"Oh. It's you. It's been a long time. How have you been? I've been really busy being dead. You know, after you murdered me."

Welcome, [Subject name here], to the profile of the Genetic Lifeform and Disk Operating System of the Aperture Science Enrichment Center.

The Enrichment Center is committed to the well being of all participants. Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all.

Please feel free to donate to the Aperture Science Cosplay Fund.**

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**Donating to The Aperture Science Cosplay Fund is not responsible for such side effects as: warm, fuzzy feelings; rekindling of a video game obsession; emancipation of dental fillings, crowns, tooth enamel, or teeth; or loss of life due to neurotoxins and/or fish shaped ingredients.

Nonconstructive Input

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Chell -Redacted- Report | 09/18/2011 4:20 am
Chell -Redacted-
Heh, thanks.
I'm just gonna bypass the brackets right now, and I am in no state to draw right now.

I know what you mean, though. I haven't really come on lately.
The company I've had on this account has been pretty questionable for the most part, and I haven't really wanted to talk to them.
Chell -Redacted- Report | 08/24/2011 3:35 am
Chell -Redacted-

((Sweet baby Jesus am I sorry for taking so long to respond. I actually didn't check when you left that comment, but I assume it was ages ago. I kind of went on vacation without warning anyone and dropped off the face of the earth. Here, have something slightly less shitty than usual, but still pretty shitty.))
61aD05 Report | 08/18/2011 7:46 am
Thank you. I'm impressed with your input of how the Genetic Lifeform and Disk Operating System's human form looks too.
Chell -Redacted- Report | 05/23/2011 8:36 am
Chell -Redacted-
Hyper_Kenny_1991 Report | 05/23/2011 7:00 am
Judging from the looks of your comment box, I figure that your account is new. I wonder if there's a quicker way to donate without trading? o3o'
Chell -Redacted- Report | 05/16/2011 12:12 am
Chell -Redacted-
Bruce of House Banner Report | 02/22/2011 7:53 pm
Bruce of House Banner
You're welcome. xD
Bruce of House Banner Report | 01/15/2011 10:26 am
Bruce of House Banner
I just wanted to say... I LOVE your profile and wish you every ounce of luck in your cosplaying endeavor!
Temple Crasher Report | 01/12/2011 8:24 pm
Temple Crasher
; D
Temple Crasher Report | 01/08/2011 9:34 pm
Temple Crasher
o o Yay for 1st comment? I hope > >