Viewing Vaskiel Von Leighmien's profile | Profiles v1 | Gaia Online


Hmm, whats this? You clicked my page? Then I suppose that means you would like to know more about me.

*19. (soon at least)
*Theist, as in I believe in a god, not your god. Offended? Damn o:
*Vegetarian, on the long obnoxiously expensive road to becoming a Vegan.
*I can be really opinionated so I would watch the types of conversations that you engage me in.
*I am apparently sarcastic, but I'd never know it because I am not intentionally mean.
*I am apparently bitchy- though I personally don't agree with this, and if I am, it is also unintentional.
*I am generally spazzmatic and hyper, silly and un-serious. Fun and godsome. Yes godsome, as in I am a god betch ;D
*Conceited? No not really I'm just awesome.
*My gender? Hmmm... Should I really disclose that information? Take by my manly username or my character, your pick.
* I suppose you people can call me... I don't know~ Pick out a nick name for me~?

Dislikes: Posers. Obnoxious homosexuals (I've nothing against them just the over the top loud girly and over done homo). Racism, though it's fun to laugh at how pathetic people can be. Idiots, though they can be fun to mess with. Weeaboos and Japanaphiles. People who cannot spell correctly, the occasional spelling error is okay (because I can't spell too well myself) but "hey how r u doing 2day? im gud but bord as hell u planing nything 2nite?" Ugh... ******** spell out the words (or come close) you moron. Bitches, who doesn't hate them? Beggars.

Likes: People heart , Gaming, Mabinogi, Anime is alright- nice pass time. Doggies x3 Bears. Hello Kitty. Cute things in general. Getting to know people (though from the looks of it I am not off to a good start am I V___V wink Art, poetry, writing, Opera Metal <3, along with other musics. I am sure there are lots of things that I like but I can't recall upon them at the moment.

Random facts:

*I love my virginity, come close to me and I'll cut you >__>;
***I love my virginity, come close to me and I'll cut you >__>;***
*I have a cat, his name is "My cat"
*I'm not a whore sooo.... no you may not have my n***s.
*I like art and poetry biggrin I like to write, but I can't stand reading something someone else wrote. Its just so... boring? In fact I probably only read five books on my own xD... not that I take pride in that but >_>;... I'm no idiot.
*Computers are like orgasm. Can't live without them.
*My last name pwns yours any day. Why? Because its said like Sayyahd, and I think that's pretty damn leet, don't you agree?
*I make a lot of typos, mainly because I type too fast, but I also can't spell worth a s**t.
*I hate Bible thumpers. Bible thump me ant I'll slit your throat D8
*One could say I am violent. Violent? b***h! I'm morbid.
*Rhape? Its always fun.
*Crimson is amazing, and so is black. But you know... Neon Green isn't so bad either.
*Masturbation? Ah dammit! I need to shave my hands again D; (or do only men get hairy hands from masturbating? XD and if so... why o____o?!)
*OH! I've been playing this game since like... 04'? o__o is this even a game?
*I used to have really high ambitions like going to Yale or something really cool like that biggrin and being like a lawyer orrrr a Senator but... Eh, I might end up having to reform the whole justice system and law system ye' know?
*Patriotic? Hmmm... no, Patriot for the Constitution? Sure. I unno, sounds cool ;D
*I think my biggest flaw others then my sarcasm, is the fact I cant finish most things. Why? Because I over think it. Why? Because... I like detail, so everything must be complex and intricate *-* An example would be the fact I can write 8 pages of a story but the entire 8 pages is just describing someone walking down a stone path...? My boyfriend likes to say that I don't think before I speak, but I do, the real issue is that I over think something even like that Dx
*D: I live out in the middle of no where, how convenient right? Too bad you can't come and bother me, but truth is, if you knocked on my door, I'd answer with a Mossburg.
*I do like MMORPGS but I only play Mabinogi. All other games fail in comparison. If you happen to play, you may add Kymaeleaith on the Tarlach server. I am always open to new people, xD... but my bf on the other hand? welll... Good luck o__o; he doesn't like to share any part of me. xD Honestly I think its a lil' cute x3
*I love my Kaybear biggrin ! And you can't have hem >:C... Come near him and I might also cut you.
*Alex Jones? I think hes a feg.
*Orlando Bloom? Hes... hot. But I like the way my boyfriend looks better and I wouldn't trade him for anything. Even if he IS grouchy.
*Honestly, most anyone I've ever met online has thought I was white or some other random race, but the truth is I am black. Yarp. O: I've even been called Cambodian!
*c**? Nom, what? Nah Jaykay.
* OR WAS I?!
* D: I went to sleep at 6:30pm yesterday... that's... so... shamefully pathetic v.v;...
* I am a Capricorn, so naturally... I can stay depressed? Half of the time I don't even notice. I 'most never smile unless my baby makes me smileee<3
*Hmm I wonder if my about is too long?
*Pcos? I has it D8
*AIDS? You have them smile
*Weeds (tv)? It was ******** fantastic~
*Anime? I like it but Kiba might be my favorite followed by Kuroshitsuji and Blood+ but... THERES SO MANY TO CHOOSE FROM!!!
***If you're reading this, then I am wondering... WHY?!***



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Viewing 4 of 4 comments.


Report | 12/17/2010 12:36 pm


I'm flaunting my hypocrisy cool ((Hence lack of matching lol))

Report | 12/15/2010 4:49 pm


Thank you! =)

Report | 12/15/2010 10:09 am


Oh I guess I did, huh? xd

Well hey. smile

Report | 12/15/2010 10:07 am


YES YES YES! stressed