Hello, all.
I am Brandy. Dreamer extraordinaire, artist, gamer.
I've had many labels attached to me at one point or another, but I don't like labels; you're a person, not a product to be sold.
I am unique. I am shy. I am random. I am ME.
Pets, family, what few friends I have, I love them lots, they're everything to me.
You mess with them, you mess with ME.
I have social anxiety. I am easily upset. My anger sometimes knows no bounds. I have my fair share of problems, just like everyone else.
I get easily attached. I am easily broken. Be careful, I'm fragile.
I prefer to make art instead of war. Love me, and I'll love you back.
Don't like me? I'm sorry, honey, there's nothing I can do. Newsflash: I don't live to please YOU.
I don't like fakes. I don't like 'following the crowd'. Be yourself.
I like manga. I like anime. I like RPing. I like it when you are YOU.
Pagan, panromantic demisexual, and PROUD of it, so you can just take your religion and shove it if you're trying to force me over to the "right" beliefs, my views aren't going to change. And if you're a homophobe, I'd prefer not to have anything to do with you and your own insecurity with your sexuality. Kaythnxbai.
Sometimes I make stuff, if you're interested in seeing it, pop over to my
dA; I upload somewhat infrequently, but about all of my original work shows up sooner or later, provided I take photos before I hand an item off to its recipient.
I introduce my ever awesome and lovely honorary sister, Morgan~
She's ultra nice and ultra cool and I totally love her.
And is now also my wifey!
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Er sorry Ma'am, I was just