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ii Ayo Kathy

ii Ayo Kathy's avatar

Last Login: 12/18/2010 11:55 pm

Registered: 08/14/2010

Gender: Male

Birthday: 07/16/1995


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dingo egret123
Memoirs of Tears
ii Ayo Kathy
Xo Candice Michelle oX
Xo Candice Michelle oX
ii Ayo Junior

My Brother Keith mess with him and you'll mess with you Tips: I brake bones and I don't like hurting but if i need to I will for my friends

My 1st friend woohoo!!!!!Mess with her then I get my mom's knife

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3rd friend yays!!!!!try to make her cry and ill make you pay D:<

Um... well I'm collecting avi arts so feel free to draw me

My bro 6w6 i wuv him so please dont mess

^w^ OMG!!!! She's the best friend i ever had ever!!! plus she's my bf's lil sis and ill take care of her so dont make er cry or make er sad cause your gonna find trouble D:<

my beautiful sister dont mess or you'll find another knife in you bed D:<

Need a BF :P ^w^