Hey hey hey. ^_^ I ish Taegan Skittlez Dean! I love to have a great time and I'm just flat out weird!! =) I'm all the way out in left field and if yew dont like well to bad!! >;DTehe <3 I am 5"8 and very tall for a 14 year old. ^_^ I'm very emotional and cry alot.... O.o I dont consider myself emo tho I'm a lil scene kid! Deal wiff it!! ^_^ Meh best friend is Oakaru! He's just really nice to meh and I luff him for that!! =) He is uber duber sweet to meh and I would be his "gurl" But he lives in Oregon and he's 17 so fml! D= Well He is still meh best friend!! ^_^ I talk to him all the time! =) I like butter pecan ice cream and I want red hair. My birfday is feb. 18th and I love valentines day!!
This is a pick of meh and im letting meh hair grow back out!! ^_^ <3