
《Character Information:》

[☆] True Name: Somnolence
[☆] Nicknames: Sleep Walker, sometimes is confused for Succubus.
[☆] Affiliation: None
[☆] Occupation: Demon/Lesser Deity of Dreams and Astral Projection.
[☆] Appearance: See avatar for general reference.

[☆] Appeared Age: 30
[☆] Actual Age: ???
[☆] Date of Birth: ???
[☆] Gender: Presents as Feminine
[☆] Sexuality: Pansexual
[☆] Place of Birth: Astral Plane
[☆] Race/Species: Supernatural Entity
[☆] Heritage: N/A
[☆] Height: Fluctuates.
[☆] Weight: Effectively weightless/unaffected by gravity.
[☆] Build: Curvy. Size 14
[☆] Skin Color: Tan
[☆] Natural Eye Color: Gold
[☆] Natural Hair Color: Milky and cosmic. Always fluctuating with galaxy-esque coloration and glittering accents.
[☆] Hair Style: long, fringed bangs that frame and curtain her face. Typically has her hair pulled up into a long, intricate ponytail of some kind.
[☆]Defining Facial Features: Blue lips <> curved into some kind of soft smile and 'sleepy' half-lidded eyes.

[☆] Family: None
[☆] Marital Status: Single
[☆] Birth Father: None
[☆] Birth Mother: None
[☆] Siblings: None

[☆]Personality: Soft, simpering, sleepy-toned, and sly.

[☆] Likes: Offerings of downey feathers, chamomile, and wool.

[☆] Dislikes: Loud and/or grating sounds, speediness or impatience, coffee.

[☆] Bad Habits: Drowsy speech, waiting last minute to take you seriously.
[☆] Good Habits: Patient and helpful

[☆] Brief Biography:
Manifested within the Astral Plane, Somnolence was said to have gestated among the dreams and energies of countless entities, and grew into a being tied to the realm of dreams and in some cults and cultures became the embodiment of sleep, as well as caretaker to those who use dreams to astral project themselves.

Unlike tales of the Sandman, Somnolence is not a benign entity that brings upon sleep itself, but instead is an arbiter of the plane in which dreams connect a dreamer to other people and realities. Many have prayed and still do pray to her as a guardian to 'host' their sessions of deep sleep; whether for the sake of helping them to sleep more soundly and experience restful, dream-filled sleep, or to protect them as they vulnerably travel through the astral plane.

Some ritualize their prayers akin to calling aid from a deity, while other factions ritualize like they are seeking to commune with a demon. Because of this discrepancy, coupled with a lack of concrete knowledge on Somnolence's 'true' origins, it's impossible to confirm if she is good, evil, or neutral and whether or not she is more akin to a God-like or Demonic presence.

[☆] Abilities

Physical Ejection - Though unable to induce a sleep-like state on command, Somnolence can instead shove someone's soul/living energy outside of their physical form. In doing so, she forces the physical body to enter a stasis mode of dreamless 'sleep'. This effectively renders the person physically unconscious while very much awake and present within the surrounding astral plane.

Fortunate Sequence - Once knocked into the astral plane or when used on someone already asleep and dreaming, Somnolence can weave a pleasant string of sensations and scenarios to create a 'happy' dream for a host to experience. This can either be used to provide a deep and restful sleep, or as a way of trapping someone in a dream and leaving unable to escape. A type of stasis, if you will, if the host is unable to break free.

Unfortunate Sequence - Unlike its more pleasant counterpart, this ability induces images and sensations that are wildly unpleasant and meant to either put a host into an uncomfortable state of sleep paralysis/stasis, or to jar them awake from restless dreaming.

Astral Ejection - In opposition to physical ejection into the astral plane, this ability shunts someone from the astral plane and back to the body or place where the projected spirit originated from. Due to the strain that astral projection puts on most entities (particularly of the physical kind,) it is both a method of protecting endangered spirits from being attacked/killed in the astral plane by returning them to their bodies, as well as a means to dispel unwanted persons from the realm for a limited amount of time.


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Report | 07/11/2017 2:09 pm


Happy birthday!
Caius Sciemhle

Report | 04/21/2014 10:58 am

Caius Sciemhle

Ah, ok well I hope we can do that Interaction sometime.
Caius Sciemhle

Report | 04/21/2014 10:54 am

Caius Sciemhle

Maybe some sort of Interaction, would probably be nice.

Also I got a guild for that If you want In?
Caius Sciemhle

Report | 04/21/2014 10:46 am

Caius Sciemhle

Awwe, well I hope everything was all right for ya, hey If you're up sometime we could possibly do a Rp together, how does that sound?
Caius Sciemhle

Report | 04/21/2014 10:40 am

Caius Sciemhle

Hello there Dullahan, long time no speak I guess.

Anyway's how are you?

Report | 09/08/2013 10:32 am


That sucks... Hope you get better~!

Report | 09/08/2013 9:43 am


How are you, Lovely lady~?

Report | 09/08/2013 9:29 am



Report | 09/04/2013 7:44 pm


once ive had time to wake up. a little. i took the day off to be lazy. c:

Report | 09/04/2013 7:26 pm


owe you a phone call. I know. Dx