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Heyya Peoples!!! Ok so..... I don't really know what to say except my name is Cat. (people I know Call me cherry kitty for some odd reason...) I'm a skater and normally get my butt kicked on a daily basis. Hehe..... Not fun. I play guitar, piano, electric bass, and I sing. I am kinda of a loner, so only 4 good friends. They are really the only people I talk to. I have had a bad past, but would rather not talk about that now. If you want, you can message me and I'll tell you. Well, that's all I can think of so.... LATERZ! <3

BOY: I love her more than the air i breath
GIRL: well im always here for you.
BOY: I know.
GIRL:What's wrong?
BOY: I like her so much.
GIRL: Talk to her.
BOY: I don't know. She wont even like me.
GIRL: Don't say that. You're amazing.
BOY:I just want her to know how I feel.
GIRL:Then tell her.
BOY: She wont like me.
GIRL: How do you know that?
BOY: I can just tell.
GIRL: Well just tell her.
BOY: What should I say?
GIRL: Tell her how much you like her.
BOY: I tell her that daily.
GIRL: What do you mean?
BOY: I'm always with her. I love her.
GIRL: I know how you feel. I have the same problem. But he'll never like me.
BOY: Wait. Who do you like?
GIRL: Oh some boy.
BOY:Oh... she won't like me either.
GIRL: She does.
BOY: How do you know?
GIRL: Because, who wouldn't like you?
BOY: You.
GIRL: You're wrong, I love you.
BOY: I love you too.
GIRL: So are you going to talk to her?
BOY: I just did.

Here's another one!!!

~Girl : Do I ever cross ur mind
~Boy: No
~Girl: Do you like me?
~Boy: Not really
~Girl: Do you want me?
~Boy: No
~Girl: Would you cry if I left?
~Boy: No
~Girl: Would you live for me?
~Boy: No
~Girl: Would you do anything for me?
~Boy: No
~Girl: Choose--me or ur life
~Boy: my life
~The girl runs away in shock and pain and the boy runs after her and says...~

~The reason you never cross my mind is because you're always on my mind.~
~The reason why I don't like you is because I love you.~
~The reason I don't want you is because I need you. ~
~The reason I wouldn't cry if you left is because I would die if you left.~
~The reason I wouldn't live for you is because I would die for you.~
~The reason why. I'm not willing to do anything for you is because I would do everything for you

A few of my fav quotes:
"Love is the slowest form of suicide"
"Friendship is like peeing urself-everyone can see it but only u get the warm feeling it brings"
"Shoot for the moon, even if you miss, you'll land among the stars"
"Yea love is stupid, but who said we love with our brains?"
"Forget the risk, take the fall, if it's what you want, then it's worth it all"
"Why does a rose always represent love when a rose always dies?"
"No one dies a virgin, life screws us all"

A gift
or a curse.
Something in me says a gift,
but something else says a curse.
I don’t know which is saying what.
Is my heart saying a curse,
or is it my mind?
I just can’t seem to find out.
Life is somewhat cruel,
yet it’s somewhat kind.
My feelings are stern
in an empty gap in my heart
As if they were the ingredients to a recipe.
What’s being made?
Is it the answer?
The answer to my questions?
Life is happiness,
it is also sorrow.
is what you make it.

I found this and it is sooo sad.... I almost started to cry
Girl is on the couch​ makin​g out with a hot guy, her cell phone rings.​.

Girl: ​ Hey babe,​ I'll be right​ back.​ I need to take this call.
Boy: Yeah okay. Sure.
She walks into the next room.
Girl: Hey!
Guy: [on his cell phone]​ Hey hun, do you think​ we could​ go do somet​hing later​ tonight?​
Girl: Yeah, sounds great!​
Guy :[on his cell phone]​ Okay.​ I'm right​ by your ... house​,​ I'll come to get you now.
Girl:​ That ...'​s not... such a good idea. Guy: [on his cell phone ... ...] Why not ...?
Girl: I'm busy right now. sorry.
Guy [on his cell phone]​ With what?​ It's our anniv​ersar​y!​ You didn'​t make any other plans did you.
In her head she yells​,​ CRAP!​ Throw​s clothes back on quickly.
Girl:​ No No. I was just eating.​ with the family.
Guy [on his cell phone]​ But I thought you said your famil​y was away this weekend​ up at your resort?​
The guy walks​ into her house​,​ turns​ the corner into the hallway goes downs​tairs​,​and finds​ his best frien​d on her couch, half un-dress​ed,​​ tryin​g to pull his pants​ back on and his girlf​riend​ pulling her shirt over her head.
Guy: What the hell is going on?!
Girl:​​​ I can expla​in!​​​ Pleas​e listen to me!
Guy: Benny​?​​​How could​ you do this to me! Rachel!​​​ I thoug​ht you loved​ me! And yet, your sleep​ing with MY BEST FRIEND!!!!​​​
Girl: John.​​​.​​​.
John with tears​ in his eyes,​​​he rushes out of room, and slams the door.
Benny​ climb​s out of the windo​w,​​​ start​s his car, and drive​s off down the street.
Girl runs after​ her boyfr​iend.​​​ Yelling.​​​.​​​.​​​.
Girl:​​​ NOOOO​!​​​ Pleas​e!​​​!​​​Come back John!​​​!​​​ Pleeeeeassse????​​
She falls down and cries​.
John turns ​around,​​​ looks​ strai​ght at his girlfriend in tears​.
John:​​​ Why? Rache​l,​​​ why? I loved​ you! Oh my God, I'm in love with a whore​. Does this mean I have to pay you now?!​​​ Here take this as the cash.​​​ He drops a ring box on her lap. She opens​ the ring box. Her jaw drops​.​​​.​​.Before her eyes is a diamo​nd weddi​ng ring.
Girl:​​​ You were going​ to propo​se?​​Guy: Yeah.​​​.​​​.
Girl: How dumb was I?
And as he slowly walke​d back to his car, his headlights faded​ ... And she was in despair. Later​ that night​, the girl got a phone​ call from the polic​e sayin​g he had died of an overd​ose of drugs​ and when they found​ him he had a pictu​re of her and him in his hands
A girl and a guy were speeding over 100mph on a motorcycle...~ ~girl:Slow down im scared. ~guy:No,this is fun! ~girl:No its not,please slow down!? ~guy:Then tell me you love me. ~girl:I love you!Now slow down!! ~guy:Now give me a big hug. ~She gave him a hug. ~guy: Can you take off my helment and put it on your head, its bothering me... ~In the newspaper the next day,a motorcycle had crashed into a building because of break failure. Two people were on it,only one survived. The truth was, that half way down the road,the guy realized that the breaks were broken and he didn't want the girl to know. Instead,he had her hug him and tell him she loved him one last time. Then,he had her put his helmet on so that she would live,even if it meant that he would die... ~If you would do this for the person you love,copy this and put it in your profile

Kiss on the lips: i love you!Kiss on the ear: your special!Kiss on the cheek:were good friends!Kiss on the forehead: i dont want to lose you!Kiss on the neck: i want you!Kiss on the shoulder: you are wonderful!Kiss anywhere else: lets be careful!Play with hair: i cant live without you!Holding hands: im happy when im with you!Arms around the waiste: i love you to much to let go!A hug: i careSmiling at eachother: i like you!Lifting up eyebrow:~wink! flirtation!Looking around: hiding true feelings!Tender kiss on the lips:your mine!Licking your lips: ready for a kiss!

Love♥:Girl : Do i ever cross ur mindBoy: NoGirl: Do you like me?Boy: Not reallyGirl: Do you want me?Boy: NoGirl: Would you cry if I left?Boy: NoGirl: Would you live for me?Boy: NoGirl: Would you do anything for me?Boy: NoGirl: Choose--me or ur lifeBoy: my lifeThe girl runs away in shock and pain and the boy runs after her and says...The reason you never cross my mind is because you're always on my mind.The reason why I don't like you is because I love you.The reason I don't want you is because I need you.The reason I wouldn't cry if you left is because I would die if you left.The reason I wouldn't live for you is because I would die for you.The reason why. I'm not willing to do anything for you is because I would do everything for you.The reason I chose my life is because you ARE my life

1. Kiss on the hand = I adore you2. Kiss on the cheek = I just want to be friends3. Kiss on the neck = I want you4. Kiss on the lips = I love you5. Kiss on the ears = I am just playing6. Kiss anywhere else = lets not get carried away7. Look in your eyes = kiss me8. Playing with your hair = I can't live without you9. Hand on your waist = I love you to much to let you goThe Three Steps1. Girls If any guys gets fresh with you, slap him.2. Guys If any girl slaps you, her intentions are still good.3. Guys & Girls Close your eyes when kissing, it is rude to stare.The Commandments1. Thou shall not squeeze too hard.2. Thou shall not ask for a kiss, but take one.3. Thou shall kiss at every opportunity.Here are a few reasons why guys like girls1. They will always smell good even if its just shampoo2. The way they call you after you just had a big fight.3. The way she says 'lets not fight anymore' even though you know that anhour later....4. The way they kiss when you do something nice for them5. The way they kiss you when you say 'I love you'6. Actually ... just the way they kiss you...7. The way they fall into your arms when they cry8. Then the way they apologize for crying over something that silly9. The way they hit you and expect it to hurt10. Then the way they apologize when it does hurt. (even though we don'tadmit it)!11. The way they say 'I miss you'12. The way you miss them13. The way their tears make you want to change the world so that it doesn'thurt her anymore.....

If you ever want to talk to me and I'm not on here go to my yahoo messenger. It's OR GO TO

Roses are red,Violets are blue.I have 5 fingersThe middle one's for you

*Kiss on the Forehead ----"Forever you will be mine" *Kiss on the Ear ---"I'm horny" *Kiss on the Cheek ---"We're friends" *Kiss on the Hand ---"I adore you" *Kiss on the Neck ---"You Charm Me wink " *Kiss on the Shoulder ---"I want you" *Kiss on the Lips ---"I love you" OR "I want you" *Holding Hands ---"We can learn to love each other" *Slap on the Butt ---"That's mine" *Playing with the Ear ---"I can't live without you" *Holding on tight ---"Don't let go" *Looking into each other's Eyes ---"There's just something about you . . . " *Playing with Hair ---"You're Really, Really, Pretty" *Arms around the Waist ---"Dance With Me?" *Laughing while Kissing ---"I am completley Comfortable with you" --Advice-- *Dont ask for a kiss, take one.

Sometimes, When Someone Says, I hate you, They're Actually Saying, I love you with all my heart and soul.

A life with love will have some thorns, but a life without love will have no rose.

We Were given to hands to hold, Two legs to walk, Two eyes to see, Two ears to listen, But only one heart? Because the other one, Was given to someone for us to find…

Blind fold my eyes and throw me to a different place. Keep me hidden away from the world. Keep those whom I love away from me, for they know nothing of what has happened.

Honest to be. The one guy that all of my friends hate! And now I can see why!

If you want you can become my friend on facebook, just search my e mail (musicisloveandlife982) and add me!


View Journal

Life, Love, Loss.

A journal about a girl and her guitar facing everyday life.


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graceful_flowers Report | 01/06/2011 3:16 am
Happy b-day!
SexuaISeduction-x Report | 12/17/2010 2:17 pm
Yep lol
SexuaISeduction-x Report | 12/17/2010 1:53 pm
nm just bored
SexuaISeduction-x Report | 12/17/2010 1:47 pm
SexuaISeduction-x Report | 12/17/2010 1:37 pm
graceful_flowers Report | 12/02/2010 3:47 pm
hi sis biggrin
graceful_flowers Report | 11/29/2010 4:46 am
hey biggrin
graceful_flowers Report | 11/05/2010 3:43 pm
thats good how is school for you have you gotten better
graceful_flowers Report | 11/05/2010 3:41 pm
what up sis biggrin
Fhade Hale Report | 11/03/2010 8:10 am
Fhade Hale
I'm not too sure really... Some of my friends have been weird, others have been great, but everything is just changing too fast for me... I don't enjoy it...


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Serenity-Angel17's avatar

Last Login: 07/28/2011 12:47 pm

Gender: Female

Location: Texas

Birthday: 01/06

Occupation: Music

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If good-bye is a second chance why do people not take the chance?

Life, love, and loss. Three things that I have in my life. Why should it stay if I'm unwilling to stay as much.

Perfect. Exactly what life is for me! <3Your life is a musical, but not the kind with wholesome couples, buggy rides, and square dancing. You are darker, rougher, and angrier. When you sing, it's like a passionate howl that can't be captured in spoken words. At times, your life feels gritty and dangerous, but you've still got a musical soul, and with that comes an irrepressible drive to succeed. Your moves never feel choreographed; each step, each fist pump, seems to come straight from your heart. Your rebellious energy and raw determination sometimes shock people, but ultimately, you leave the audience changed and inspired. Whatever challenges you face, you WILL overcome them, because you've got one of the world's most powerful art forms on your side -- rock 'n' roll

Well I guess if people in life decide to snoop in one person's business then they can really find out why some people are the way they are.

"All the things I hate revolve around me." Guess that's true for my case.

But you promised herNext time you'll show restraintYou don't get another chanceLife is no Nintendo gameBut you lied againNow you get to watch her leaveOut the windowGuess that's why they call it window pane

"There's a touch of gray to every shade of blue. That's the way that I see life that if there was nothing wrong then there'd be nothin' right." Brent Smith and Shinedown- What a Shame

**~tear drop story~** Boy: I missed you at school today, why weren't you there? Girl- Yeah, I had to go to the doctor. Boy- Oh really? Why? Girl- Oh nothing, annual shots, thats all. Boy- Oh. Girl- So what did we do in math today? Boy- You didn't miss anything that great.......just lots of notes. Girl- Ok, good. Boy- Yeah Girl- Hey, I have a question...... Boy- Ok, ask away. Girl-........How much do you love me? Boy- You know I love you more than anything. Girl- Yeah..... Boy- Why do you ask? Girl-................>silence<.......... Boy- Is something wrong? Girl- No, nothing at all. Boy- Ok, good. Girl- ..............How much do u care about me? Boy- I would give you the world in a heartbeat if I could. Girl- You would? Boy- Yeah.........of course I would >sounding worried< is there something wrong? Girl- No, everything is fine...... Boy- Are you sure? Girl- Yeah. Boy- Ok.......I hope so. Girl- ..............Would you die for me? Boy- I would take a bullet for you anyday, hunny. Girl- Really? Boy- Anyday. Now seriously, is there something wrong? Girl- No, I'm fine, your fine, we're fine, everyones fine. Boy- ............Ok. If your sure. Girl-......................Well, I have to go. I'll see you tomorrow at school. Boy- Alright, bye. I LOVE YOU. Girl- Yeah, I love you to, bye. THE NEXT DAY AT SCHOOL: Boy- Hey, have you seen my girlfriend today? Friend- No Boy- Oh. Ok. Friend- She wasn't here yesterday either. Boy- I know, she was acting all wierd on the phone last night. Friend- Well dude, you know how girls are sometimes. Boy- Yeah........but not her. Friend- I don't know what else to say, man. Boy- Ok, well I gotta get to english, I'll see you after school. Friend- Yeah, I gotta get to science, talk to you later. THAT NIGHT: -ring- -ring- -ring- -ring- Girl- Hello? Boy- Hey. Girl- Oh, hi. Boy- Why weren't you at school today? Girl- Uh.......I had another doctor appointment. Boy- Are you sick? Girl- ..................Um I have to go, my mom's calling on my other line. Boy- I'll wait. Girl- It may take a while, I'll call you later. Boy-........Alright, I love you hunny. very long pause< Girl- (with tear in her eye) Look, I think we should break up. Boy- What? Girl- Its the best thing for us right now. Boy- Why? Girl- I love you. click< THE GIRL DOESNT COME TO SCHOOL FOR 3 MORE WEEKS, AND DOESNT ANSWER HER PHONE. Boy- Hey dude. Friend- Hey. Boy- Whats up? Friend- Nothing much. Hey have you talked to your ex lately? Boy- No. Friend- So you didn't hear? Boy- Hear what? Friend- Um, well, I don't know if I should be the one to tell you...... Boy- Dude, tell me! Friend- this number....433-555-3468 Boy- Ok............ BOY CALLS NUMBER AFTER SCHOOL -ring- -ring- -ring- Voice- Hello, Suppam County Hospital, this is nurse Beckam. Boy- Uh.......I must have the wrong number, I'm looking for my friend. Voice- What is her name, sir? (boy gives info) Voice- Yes, this is the right number, she is one of our patients here. Boy- really? Why? What happened? How is she? Voice- Her room number is ..646, in building A, suite 3. Boy- WHAT HAPPENED?! Voice- Please come by sir and you can see her, goodbye. Boy- WAIT! NO! *dial tone* BOY GOES TO HOSPITAL, AND TO ROOM ..646, BUILDING A, SUITE 3. GIRL IS LYING IN THE HOSPITAL BED. Boy- Oh my God! Are you ok? Girl- .................. Boy- Sweetie! Talk to me! Girl- I.......... Boy- You what? YOU WHAT? Girl- I have cancer and I'm on life support. Boy- .....................>breaks into tears<...................... Girl- They're taking me off tonight. Boy- Why? Girl- I wanted to tell you but I couldn't. Boy- Why not? Girl- I didn't want to hurt you. Boy- You could never hurt me sweetheart. Girl- I just wanted to see if you felt about me as the same I felt about you. Boy- ? Girl- I love you more than anything, I would give you the world in a heartbeat. I would die for you and take a bullet for you. Boy- ........... Girl- Don't be sad, I love you, and I'll always be here with you. Boy- Then why'd you break up with me? Nurse- Young man, visiting hours are over. BOY LEAVES, GIRL IS TAKEN OFF LIFE SUPPORT, AND DIES. But what the boy didn't know is that the girl only asked him those questions so she could hear him say it one last time, and she only broke up with him because she knew she only had 3 more weeks to live, and thought it would cause him less pain and give him time to get over her before she died. NEXT DAY The boy is found dead with a gun in his hand..with a note in the other... THE NOTE SAID:I told her I would take a bullet for her....just like she said she would die for me...

♥ If ♥ You♥ Really ♥ Love ♥ Someone ♥ Right ♥ Now ♥ And ♥ You ♥ Really ♥ Want ♥ To ♥ Be ♥ With ♥ Them ♥ Forever ♥ Put ♥ This ♥ On ♥ Your ♥ Page ♥