Viewing Hydra-Star's profile | Profiles v1 | Gaia Online


My wonderful donaters.
heart Diebond - Emo Glasses
heart Kerowyn83 - Smoke Glamrock Sleeveless Top
heart MargemianCougar - 1,000g
heart "The Huggle Monster" AKA mysticsorceror - Red Ceramic Mug
heart Indigo_Ravenclaw - Yellow Forbidden Skirt, Wooden Paintbrush, and KoNfuZeD YeLLoW SHoEz 4laugh
heart Ayame_Takamura - Garbage Mask
heart the_jackal - Orange-Green Winter Scarf and 1k
heart MingSao - Wingin It Blue Pants and Jacked Up Cape eek
heart Nekuyo - Wingin It Blue Pants
heart Novas Whore - 2k
heart tokyofro - 2k
heart Herald Samara - 4th Anniversary Blue Roman Candle, 4th Anniversary Red Roman Candle, 4 Labu Necklases, Spirited 2k6 Hat, Spirited 2k6 Boots, Spirited 2k6 Candy Cane, and Spirited 2k6 Gloves 4laugh
heart Lockany - Heart shaped box of sweets and Caramel Cheesecake
heart `Miraki - Arrow in my Head
heart Miss. M - 1,000g
heart regalboy - 150g
heart diamondia - Red Paper Crown, Red Guppy Hat, Orange Guppy Hat, Yellow Guppy Hat, Food Chain Green Stripper-Bass-Guppy, Food Chain Blue Stripper-Bass-Guppy, Food Chain Silver Stripper-Bass-Guppy, Pink Seedkin Hat, Brown Pebbo Cap, White Pebbo Cap, Black Pebbo Cap, Patchwork Boots eek
heart aqua_star117 - Magic Swamp Orb
heart Lightning Fox - Ruby Milady Headpiece eek
heart InsanityBecomesHer - Yellow Torque Shades
heart Iaman - Clutch Hat
heart nadi7 - Enchanted Wooden Trunk
:heat: Dragon81812 - Starfish
heart Margem - More than I can ever even begin to pay back. 4laugh

Gaiaversary/Birthday/Christmas/Ect gifts
heart the_jackal - 1k for my Gaiaversary
heart RuRu Bell - Arrhh!! Seasick Coat for Christmas
heart My secret santa 2k7 - Bachelors Cap, Purple Nurse Skirt, Jenny's Secretive Clamshell Purse, Dead Sexy Onyx Skull Pin, Blacklight Punk Sock
heart Nefirtiti - Green Goth Skirt for Christmas
heart The Suites Birthday Fairy - Performance Rod for my 18th birthday
heart Margem - Sapphire Forehead Jewel for Christmas 2k8
heart SilverDolphin - Dead Sexy Skull Pin for my 19th birthday

My loverly avi art!
heart Go here.

I have finished (14) dream avis.

I reply to all comments! biggrin

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ninja *shifty eyes* You didn't see anything... *melts into shadows* ninja

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Viewing 12 of 47 friends



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 08/08/2012 9:52 pm


The guild has life! We want to know what's been going on with you though. 3nodding Pop in and say hi soon okay. heart

Report | 07/31/2012 8:55 am


*pokes Star* Is ze Hydra alive?!

Report | 10/07/2010 3:38 pm


Thank you!!!
It cost me my Pale OMG hat 20 luna bundles, 2 Framestar bundles,1 gourmet bundle,1 final reign bundle and 1 EI bundle #5 plus 13.6mill pure so Yea it cost me a lot and now I am trying to get my OMG hat back.

Well I am glad you are doing well thats good to hear ^^

Report | 10/06/2010 12:07 pm


I am doing good finally got my dream item devils tail now working getting back my OMG hat.

Got a new job working with my mother drama with my father being an a** and what not other then that I am doing great though.
Excited that I will be going to school again soon too ^^

How has life been for you?

Report | 10/05/2010 11:39 pm


Star biggrin
Long time no talk <3

How are you?
peek-a-boo nurse

Report | 08/25/2010 2:26 am

peek-a-boo nurse

cool avi

Report | 08/18/2010 6:07 am


It's saying today is your birthday so I hope gaia isn't lying to me o.o
Happy birthday <333 if it isn't happy belated birthday XD
Ily Star <3

Report | 06/27/2010 8:23 pm


so i'm basically in love with your avatar :3
i'm actually working on a quest of my own right now >.<
but i don't think it will turn up as well as yours (':
de oaid

Report | 06/18/2010 10:53 am

de oaid

That video made me weep for the future of America.
And it made me laugh, but still.

Report | 03/25/2010 2:49 pm


Hey Hydra! Remember me from the Poll Whores Guild. I was Emerald Summers, or Silk_Greed back when I joined.

