My wonderful donaters. heart Diebond - Emo Glasses
heart Kerowyn83 - Smoke Glamrock Sleeveless Top
heart MargemianCougar - 1,000g
heart "The Huggle Monster" AKA mysticsorceror - Red Ceramic Mug
heart Indigo_Ravenclaw - Yellow Forbidden Skirt, Wooden Paintbrush, and KoNfuZeD YeLLoW SHoEz
4laugh heart Ayame_Takamura - Garbage Mask
heart the_jackal - Orange-Green Winter Scarf and 1k
heart MingSao - Wingin It Blue Pants and Jacked Up Cape
eek heart Nekuyo - Wingin It Blue Pants
heart Novas Whore - 2k
heart tokyofro - 2k
heart Herald Samara - 4th Anniversary Blue Roman Candle, 4th Anniversary Red Roman Candle, 4 Labu Necklases, Spirited 2k6 Hat, Spirited 2k6 Boots, Spirited 2k6 Candy Cane,
and Spirited 2k6 Gloves
4laugh heart Lockany - Heart shaped box of sweets and Caramel Cheesecake
heart `Miraki - Arrow in my Head
heart Miss. M - 1,000g
heart regalboy - 150g
heart diamondia - Red Paper Crown, Red Guppy Hat, Orange Guppy Hat, Yellow Guppy Hat, Food Chain Green Stripper-Bass-Guppy, Food Chain Blue Stripper-Bass-Guppy, Food Chain Silver Stripper-Bass-Guppy, Pink Seedkin Hat, Brown Pebbo Cap, White Pebbo Cap, Black Pebbo Cap, Patchwork Boots
eek heart aqua_star117 - Magic Swamp Orb
heart Lightning Fox - Ruby Milady Headpiece
eek heart InsanityBecomesHer - Yellow Torque Shades
heart Iaman - Clutch Hat
heart nadi7 - Enchanted Wooden Trunk
:heat: Dragon81812 - Starfish
heart Margem - More than I can ever even
begin to pay back.
4laugh Gaiaversary/Birthday/Christmas/Ect gifts heart the_jackal - 1k for my Gaiaversary
heart RuRu Bell - Arrhh!! Seasick Coat for Christmas
heart My secret santa 2k7 - Bachelors Cap, Purple Nurse Skirt, Jenny's Secretive Clamshell Purse, Dead Sexy Onyx Skull Pin, Blacklight Punk Sock
heart Nefirtiti - Green Goth Skirt for Christmas
heart The Suites Birthday Fairy - Performance Rod for my 18th birthday
heart Margem - Sapphire Forehead Jewel for Christmas 2k8
heart SilverDolphin - Dead Sexy Skull Pin for my 19th birthday
My loverly avi art! heart Go
I have finished
(14) dream avis.
I reply to all comments!
biggrin ninja *shifty eyes* You didn't see anything... *melts into shadows*
Viewing 10 of 20 comments.