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Lov3-Dizzy's avatar

Gender: Female

Birthday: 08/22


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•Saturday-Sunday, November 6-7, 2010 11:50pm-12:02am•
I posted some pictures in the art arena. Please comment on them!

•Sunday, November 7, 2010 12:54pm•
Updated my Goals on my profile.

•Thursday, December 30, 2010, 6:12pm•
Updated my profile!(: ♥


~Real Life Goals~
•Get straight A's.

•Be a -good- Pit Captain next year.

•Learn how to shuffle and hip hop dance(: ((halfway there just gots to practice))

•Be more optimistic.

~Gaia Goals~
•I'd like to get some of my Art Arena pieces into the spotlight. I've gotten some really good ratings on almost all of my submitted work. Hopefully if y'all keep rating and I keep posting I'll be in the spotlight soon.

•Earn over 50,000 Gold in less than a year. (Pfft, ya right.) *Checkity-check-check

@60ut M3

Heyy my name is Ashley. I'm so random and crazy! I'm a great friend and I care about others more than I do for myself. I love making new friends and chatting, so don't be afraid to send me a PM or leave a comment!

A few things I love to do include photography, writing, reading, definitely music, and most of all my friends. I love sharing my stories and pictures to get critique, opinions, suggestions, and ideas for what I should do next. I mostly read about fantasy/supernatural things. Music, I love pretty much every genre of music and I've even written one and half songs. I'm working on a few piano peices. My favorite genre of music would have to be either Rock, Pop, or Classical Piano. Weird I know. xP

A few things that I dislike, hate, and scared of are people with strollers/carts, hallways at school, definitely spiders, and being scared. Haha.

Well that's it for now! :3 Send me a PM or leave a comment. By the way, I love roleplaying!

@60UT M3

I am into acting, singing, and even a little dancing. Most of my friends don't know this about me. Even though they don't know this I am considered to be a very open person.

I'm a kid at heart. I love coloring with crayons- or as I pronounce it: crowns. I also love dinosaurs! Oh, I want a unicynosaur: It's a mix of a dinosuar and a unicorn. Yep, cause I'm cool like that. xD

I love colorful things! But my favorite colors are blue, purple, black and silver. I am definitely athletic. I am in our school's marching band, playing the marimba. Next year I'm going to be pit captain. I used to play soccer and I miss it so much. I love football and playing catch.

Well, I'm almost bilingual. My first language is English and will speak fluent Spanish through school.(:
Well I'm done talking about myself. I might add more later. ♥


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xX-i-Megan-i-Xx Report | 11/08/2010 4:57 pm
Ashley Horton, you forced me to smile with your last comment (jerk) so I feel I have to return the favor.
You are one of the best friends I have ever had. You have been with me through thick and thin, and I thank you for that.
Though it's fun to hurt you physically -with math books and such- I hope to never hurt you emotionally. If I ever do, I hope you know that it was unintentional, and please tell me.
I know I can count on you for anything and everything and I hope I never lose you.
You are obviously a part of my family, and I hope you know that you are always welcome at my house. And my mom will make sure that, no matter what time it is, you'll have your milk.
I love our inside jokes and wouldn't trade any of our memories for anything.
Thanks for being an amazing friend.
I love you ♥
~Meggie :/ -eyeroll-

Im Here Today Report | 09/09/2010 10:41 am
Im Here Today
Hey, You like crowns to much.... surprised
xX-i-Megan-i-Xx Report | 08/17/2010 11:29 am
♥ your crayons... :]
K0RRA Report | 07/12/2010 6:33 pm
oh sweet ok biggrin
K0RRA Report | 07/12/2010 6:30 pm
hi? who r u?
Roleplayninjakitty239 Report | 07/09/2010 5:30 pm
Post in the Wild Girl roleplay in A Haven For Roleplayers please.