
Heya~ My name is Mii! Pleased to meet you. I am a 17 year old high school girl, just a few days from graduating! I'm really excited to just get out to the world and have fun! I'm 100% Korean and have the usual dark hair with strange hazel-ish eyes. But still, I'm Asian ^.^ My friends tell me that I'm really funny but in a blunt way. They say often enough that they can't tell if I'm insulting them because I speak so politely. They know that I can get a bit "b*tchy" sometimes too.

I love things that are really cute. Not too much of the "fluff" in anime or manga but cute little objects and creatures and the like. My mum is forever telling me to throw out of cute stuffed dolls :<

I can't stand looking at gore and mysterious and cruel deaths. Natural death, as in simple murder or duels, I can take(I actually enjoy reading about such things), but gory scenes make me squeamish. That's one of the reasons I can't watch horror or scary movies... I know, I'm a coward ^.^

All in all, I love to talk to new people online! Give me a message or comment and I'll be sure to draw that out into a long conversation ^.^

This is the look that I'm trying to go for. I've most of the items but Rufus Cosplay set... I'm still trying!

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Total Value: 16,399 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
White Umbrella
Clean White Fuzzy Bath Slippers
Missy Pearl Ribbon
Blue Traveller Shawl
White Raincoat
Blue Candy Striped Stockings
Rufus Cosplay
Blue Scene Glasses

Can you believe I'm actually watching this? I'm already freaked out...

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Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 08/03/2010 3:56 pm


Zylphia Rose

Report | 05/28/2010 5:48 pm

Zylphia Rose

Hi ^^ I really like your profile smile
Lukas Reynolds

Report | 05/28/2010 9:32 am

Lukas Reynolds

Hey. How are you?
Hey There Little Santi

Report | 05/24/2010 12:07 pm

Hey There Little Santi

you're welcome!

Report | 05/21/2010 3:29 pm


anything that is a baby is cutee.

Hey There Little Santi

Report | 05/21/2010 2:23 pm

Hey There Little Santi

so i heard you want the rufus cosplay thing. <:
i'mma buy it for you 'cause i'm nice and you seem nice, too.
peace. ;D

Report | 05/20/2010 4:25 pm


cool. i dont really like cats. they freak me out. i think kittens are cute though.


Report | 05/20/2010 1:02 pm


Smak avoids them when she can.
But sometimes it is unavoidable.
Lukas Reynolds

Report | 05/20/2010 9:42 am

Lukas Reynolds

A week! Sounds like England haha! It rained here today - proper storm, was awesome smile

Report | 05/20/2010 9:40 am


Smak is feeling better now, still have that over-medicated icky feeling.


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Where's Cheren?