Viewing spideyxbabe's profile | Profiles v2 | Gaia Online

What she leaves behind;

Draw Me.[/color:b5047241f4]
Also, follow me on Tumblr


This is her;

Why, hello there, passer-by.
How do you do on this fine day?

I'm Alsa, and I'm a little bit weird.
I'm quite small, only just reaching 5ft. tall.
I'm nineteen, and at University.
I live in Perth, Western Australia -
Yeah, that isolated place where nothing happens, and no bands come to visit.

I'm quite nice. Bit reserved. I will generally entertain you, if you feel the need to talk to me.
Follow me on Tumblr, we can be great friends.

I haven't been on Gaia for years, and have only just come back.
I love reading books, and am quite the introvert. I like Marvel, Disney, space, science, Spiderman, Hannibal, Music etc, etc...
I have an avid interest in modern history. I am also a graphic designer.

I'm not quite sure what I want out of life,
but there is a whole lot of things I want have to do before I sign out at the age of 106.


Also, follow me on Tumblr

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What she Asks;

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spideyxbabe's avatar

Gender: Female

Location: Australia

Birthday: 05/31/1994