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People that kant lay off my pimp profile!

KisukeUraharax_x on 03/05/2024
Roadpizza on 06/13/2022

Mwah! S my D bitches!

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Heather Homicyde [Official]

H3LL0KiTTYHANG0V3R's avatar

Birthday: 06/08

My Music~Everything I love and nothing I don't!

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Introducing: Heather Homicyde [osq]

Hey kittehs! My name is Heather Homicyde! Yes! THE OFFICIAL HEATHER HOMICYDE! I'm an Official Scene Queen and a model. This is my 3rd account on GaiaOnline. Some of you may also remember me as demonchibi_by_moonlight6 or my_lovely_xX NightWish Xx . I just wanted to let you all know on here that now I am doin' other things besides accepting every friends request that comes my way! Now I'm a new girl! I'm into modeling and art I am also into creating and running websites! I make signs, banners and graphics for people like you so enjoy! I can answer anything in the world truthfully so ask me any question you want and I'll be more than happy to answer them. I CAN'T STAND FAKES! Do not try to fake me because I have already caught so many of you on here using some of my older pictures. If you can't be yourself, you don't have the right to call yourself a person at all. Personality is key and no one who fakes me can take mine away from me. Look me up on Google and add all of my sites...I don't like Myspace too much so I'm not on there often. Myyearbook and Vampire Freaks I am online most of the time so you can always hit me up there. I also text [not a huge fan of it though] so get to know me and you can text me if you wish. I'll put my site links up soon. Haters make me famous. I love all of the Homicyde fans! Without you guys I wouldn't be where I am today! Thanks for all of your love and support!! <3 ~Miss Heather Homicyde heart

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MSN [Webcam, Fan Mail and Contact]

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I'm the REAL Heather Homicyde.Look me up on google and add all of my sites.This is the new account of my_lovely_xX NightWish Xx

TaLk $h!T G3T H!t!

