
Kiliko's avatar

Birthday: 05/22


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Pikachew Report | 07/01/2011 7:51 pm
I have something to say to everyone. I can't say the same for those that look through the comments just so they can either put down my opinion or argue with me. 3/4 of the the time those comments aren't even about the avatar. It's either "Don't mind Pikachew," or "They're a hater." The entrant will call my comment useless, yet, he/ she will accept a million compliments. Gawking over an avatar after it's won is no different than pointing out a few things you find unpleasant. They're all opinion based.
Pikachew Report | 07/01/2011 7:18 pm
I don't mind. The funny part is that the majority of the flack I get is bias. Nobody is white knighting 1st place. Before he revealed his trolling nature, no one stood up for the guy. Comments like "utter sh*t" and other harsh flames are never tended to, but oh no. Pull out the guns when I criticize. My words are worse than a thousand death wishes.
shun_nee Report | 02/17/2011 11:36 pm
omg...through someone else, I read your profile comments. eek
Are people really that hateful towards you? For commenting on an avatar?
I say if they don't like criticism, they shouldn't put an avi in there in the first place.
Yeah, I've had some people criticize me before, but I never take it too personally, but I can see how some people can overreact to it...
You kinda remind me of Kyle Sandilands, from Australia. He's a bit of a harsh critic, but he's famous for telling it like it is, and not giving a stuff what others think...comes with the job, I guess.
krislane87 Report | 02/01/2011 7:09 pm
So i read your comment on my cosplay that placed 6th last week

Here's one of the Arena Rules

Offering gold, items, or services to others to gain more votes or comments is not allowed. Asking nicely for votes and comments is fine, but paying for them is not. Similarly, running contests which offer prizes or financial gain of any kind cannot tie in with any arena advertisements you may post. By offering any chance of compensation to others for voting or commenting, you are violating arena rules, and your entry will immediately be disqualified.

I do ask my friends to vote for my cosplays (only few of them). But i never give them gold or anything. I just asked them nicely. I'm sure other cosplayers do the same & as you can see from the previous comments, people thought my cosplay was very accurate. But anyway, thanks for the comment. Have a nice evening.
krislane87 Report | 02/01/2011 6:56 pm
Thank you heart
Graceful Felicity Report | 01/01/2011 4:21 pm
Graceful Felicity
i need your mean opinion about my first submition this 1st week of january
heres the url
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Darkened Inferno Report | 12/31/2010 8:12 am
Darkened Inferno
f a m e M 0 N S T E R Report | 12/29/2010 7:04 am
f a m e  M 0 N S T E R
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DAINTYPUSS Report | 11/28/2010 10:34 pm
I love your critics and while I don't always agree on the unoriginality that you claim they have, I still love how besides that you have other reasons for why you dislike it. I would personally love it if you could help me improve my current avatar because I would like to enter maybe.
fckingperfect Report | 11/24/2010 2:14 pm
Why would you critique, and call someone else unoriginal,
and yet, your avi is far more unoriginal?
Just a question.


Hello, all! My name is Amber. I'm 18. I'm a brief person, so all you need to know is that I like Azumanga Daioh,and Unicorns. I'm cheap and I don't feel like giving gaia real life money. Actually my parents won't give me a cashcard. It's all good. I like making outfits out of gaia's cheapest items. 3nodding

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