
Yo. I'm an old school Gaia user, have had my fair share of hiatuses, but always seem to come back to check up on everything. I'm always looking for a good Roleplay thread because I love to write, hence in the process of writing my first fantasy book which will hopefully become big one day.

Wanna know anything about me? Then pm me and ask me stuff! I'm down to just randomly talk and bond. I really think everyone in the world is here to interact and learn things from each other so that's what we should do! Going on here to just have fun and play the games isn't the only reason Gaia was created, but it was also to learn valuable lessons from other people in the world.

Some 'bout me...

I'm 21.

I go to college.
I love to write/read.
Coldplay is my favorite band ever.
I play tennis.
I love nature and traveling.
I think we are all here to make a positive change in other lives.
Everyone has their own story. I believe it is important to try and make your mark on other people's outlooks, opinions, and just create a change for the better. If people remember you and that one thing you made them believe, then you've done your job.

v This is my old thread v (If you are looking for a roleplaying thread to start, I am willing to start one! Just PM me.

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don't use anymore...



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Saint Ioric

Report | 01/10/2022 12:35 am

Saint Ioric

Yeah, im doing decently. Just enjoying the tear before something crazy happens lol.
Saint Ioric

Report | 12/20/2021 11:30 pm

Saint Ioric

Long time old friend
Elite Rare

Report | 05/12/2019 1:17 pm

Elite Rare

Your Avi Is Awesome! ninja
Kara Kim

Report | 10/11/2014 11:55 am

Kara Kim

Not much, how are you? biggrin biggrin biggrin
Kara Kim

Report | 10/03/2014 6:48 pm

Kara Kim

Heey biggrin
Bum Bear

Report | 08/19/2014 9:16 pm

Bum Bear

Bum Bear

Report | 08/19/2014 8:55 pm

Bum Bear

Eeyup, been wanting to change it for awhile now. Comedy gold and it suits my weirdness. Killing to boobs with one bra if ya ask me ^^
Bum Bear

Report | 08/16/2014 7:58 pm

Bum Bear

Food or sleep huh . . . Sleep is nice, but food is good hmmmmm. I'd pick the food, but that just me >v<
Bum Bear

Report | 08/16/2014 7:09 pm

Bum Bear

Awww I've never been, but it sounds awesome!!! Damn I'm hungry now emotion_drool
Bum Bear

Report | 08/16/2014 6:57 pm

Bum Bear

Ohh what do they serve there OAO?


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