


Hello there~

My name is Linbonia, though I'm often called Lin for short. I'm a God.

Yes, I can say that so lightly but that doesn't mean I'm perfect. It's hard work too. I am charged with watching over the humans of the Terran Solar System. So, practically making sure things go the way things are supposed, trying to keep things with my brother from happening.... but im not here to talk about pleasantries.

I have been told I'm a child. Then to others I have been told that I'm rather old. I really don't know. I know there are older things out there than I am, and I don't really mind. My given appearance is set at 16 though, I have a habit of sitting at the 'thirties'.

Now, on much more delightful note. I'm with someone. Another God, of sorts. He's someone whose of more value and of more importance though I know myself to be very important to him as well. His name is Calamity, and he's the lord of Chaos.

With Calamity, I have two wonderful sons.

First off, the elder of twin boys named Alishone. He's a quiet boy who takes after me in almost every way. He's quiet and well mannered. He loves everything and everyone, but he does have a certain someone of course. They look so cute together. <3 I only want whats best for him.

Then, secondly.... we have the little 'spoiled prince' knowing as the 'baby'. His names Alexial, and he takes after Calamity. However.... he hasn't always been with us, sadly. He was stolen away from us, and we couldn't get him back.... it was on his own choice to come back to us. We're both so happy he's back. Calamity really does spoil that boy...

Oh, did I mention that there's another who will be on the way, though.... it's a secret. I can't tell anything yet <3

Judal the Magi

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Gender: Male

Location: Within The Well


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Name: Judal
Age: 18
Height: 173cm
Likes: strolling in the air, war
Weakness: vegetables

He is the oracle of the Kou Empire. He claims to know Sinbad as Sinbad had captured the dungeon that called out by him without his permission.

Judal is a magi just like Aladdin. He is very powerful, cruel, arrogant and somewhat childish. Usually he doesn't listen to anyone and does things his own way. Judal first appeared when he tried to seal the road to the dungeon. He is the main antagonist of the series.


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