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Age: 19
Weapon: Double-Edged Tsurugi (often mistaken for a Katana) and Tanto (concealed in hilt of scabbard)
Fighting Style: "Champloo Kendo"

Rude, vulgar and often thinking about himself, Mugen is somewhat like an antihero. Much of his past is a mystery, but he was born on the Ryukyu Islands, he didn't know his parents, and that he was a former pirate. Nowadays he is a Vagabond, searching for trouble. When he meets Jin and Fuu though, things change. He is very rough around the edges, but he has a mutual understanding with Jin, and he cares for Fuu more than he lets out, considering she gets kidnapped a lot.

Combining all sorts of martial arts, using unorthodox swordplay and his fighting style of break dance; he relies on instinct and reflex to surprise his enemies.

By looking at his style of clothing, it resembles the future, whereas Jin represents the past. His black hair is usually untidy, and is similar in shape to an afro.


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[img:ddaf9f099e]http://i200.photobucket.com/albums/aa241/Doomed-Youth/Samurai Champloo/crazy.gif[/img:ddaf9f099e][img:ddaf9f099e]http://i694.photobucket.com/albums/vv309/Apachai23/Mugen-1.gif[/img:ddaf9f099e][img:ddaf9f099e]http://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m117/tahshady/samurai_champloo.gif[/img:ddaf9f099e]

I AM GOIN TO KICK YOUR A S S !!!![/color:ddaf9f099e]