u dun get it? i dun get it either

I get it a lot

CB: ohai, your avi looks like Maka from Soul Eater
GD: OMG, your avi is so much like Maka from Soul Eater, do you cosplay?
AMC: Great cosplay dude, great cosplay
GCD: Wu-OH. ur avi ttly looks like Maka from Soul Eater. U shud lyke, ttly join this SE guild I have and stuff, ya
ED: Dude, only in Highschool of the Dead would you willingly choose a katana over a crowbar during a zombie apocalypse. BTW, is your avi Maka from Soul Eater?
(other)GD: Dude, only in whatever weird anime you're watching would you think a FAMAS stopping-power works on anything except capture the flag.

updated map: