FAVORITES Food: PIZZA Candy: YES PLEASE Number: 7 Color: PURPLE Animal: DOG & DRAGON Drink: MM ORANGE PUNCH Alcohol Drink: NOPE, don't drink Muffin: CHOCOLATE CHIP Letter: S
This or That Pepsi or Coke: Coke if i must McDonalds or BurgerKing: McDonalds Strawberry or Watermelon: BOTH Hot tea or Ice tea: NONE Chocolate or Vanilla: VANILLA Hot Chocolate or Coffee: Hot Chocolate Kiss or Hug: HUGS Dog or Cat: DOGS Rap or Punk: PUNK Summer or Winter: SUMMER Scary Movies or Funny Movies: FUNNY Love or Money: LOVE
YOUR... Bedtime: AROUND 11:00PM Best physical feature: WRIST First Thought Waking Up: I NEED TO PEE or MY HAIR LOOKS LIKE s**t Best Friends: 3 Weakness: im indestructible Fears: BUGS
RANDOMS What country do you want to Visit: IRELAND & AUSSIE How do you want to Die: I DON'T WANT TO DIE! Been to the Mall Lately: No Do you like Thunderstorms: LOVE THEM Get along with your Parents: MOST OF THE TIME Health Freak: HELL NO Believe in Yourself: WHEN I EANT TO Do you Drink: NO Do you Sing: only if you want your ears to bleed Hate anyone: lots
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