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went out 11.9.09 broke up 10.2.10

II_Sorta_Azn_XX's avatar

Birthday: 11/04

talk to meh? :]

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get it for meh, lovez?



my name is Kyle, yesh i'm emo.
i'm bisexual, but not a tranny.
i'm "sorta azn" lol my username was given to me by my girlfriend, when she hacked me.
i have many friends in real life, and we all hang out at the skatepark. they are, izzy, dylan, johnny, ryan, mandy... probly forgeting people, sorry if i do >.<
anyways, peace bitchez.
RaWr ^.^

this holly hacking kylee ^^
he is the mostt amazing guy in the worldd!
iLoveHimToDeath xD
He is sexxy as ******** && my bestie foreverr.
dontt ******** wiff himm, hes minee<3
-holly or XScars_Of_A_Fallen_AngelX

Talk to me. Ill talk back

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pandaddict Report | 06/12/2011 4:04 pm
yer so sweeeet<3
fank youu(:
bubby, i cannot wait to see yoU!
i lost meh phone anyways :/
cant find ettt,
but i will try sommore,
pweez tell me whan you do get a phone<33
bubbyee kYle mattY bubbY
pandaddict Report | 04/21/2011 6:17 pm
Dearest KyLE MATTy BUDDy,
happy easter(:
get on, pwease?
yew haff alot of messages to anwser, sir.
:3i dyed my hair blue and got it cut.
i hate how its cut and the blue faded EVEN FASTER THIS TIMEE!D:<
gah, this sucks.
im gunna dye it black this time and wait fer it to grow out.
pictures soon,
pandaddict Report | 03/26/2011 8:21 pm
so im dying my hair realll lightttt blond right now(:
and ima dye it blue after i get it cut on april 8th..
well lets see- james isnt going out with me,
and hes going out with sabrina again.
v.v kinda makes me sad.
cause i know we wont evar be together again,
but whateverr, right?
(kYlemattYbubbY) ^.\
pandaddict Report | 03/21/2011 6:07 pm
sooo.. james + me = no.
i dunno if i said tht yet, sure i haff,
but the blue friikkkiiin faded out of my hair,
nd now its nasty green D';
but, i got dye.. shhh dont tell the mother > smile
im so sneaky(x
so anyways, i bleached my hair,
nd soon i get it cut ^.\
cool, huh(:
i will send you a picture when its all cut ++ dyed(:
luff chu, buh bye,
kyle matty bubby.
Miss Mummified Report | 03/06/2011 9:00 pm
Miss Mummified
kyle matty bubby<3 i thought i would let yew know; me n james love died.
i broke up wiff him.
anyways; ima dye my hair darker blue!
like in a few weeks(:
might send yew pictures<3
bye bye bubby(:
pandaddict Report | 01/30/2011 8:24 pm
GAH ********' GET ON HO!
:} oh ********, yew knwww i loveee yeww.
i DYED. MY HAIR. BLUE AGAIN. yeeaahhhh(;
love yewww,.
see yew on bday maybee?(:
confused <i made up tht face. it=confused face.
:{DDDDDDD byee bubbbyyy,
pandaddict Report | 01/01/2011 2:58 pm
dudddeee i loveee yew.
im still going out wiff j.
almost 3 monthss.
:b i<3yew bubby,
talkk to yew laterr; see yew later, maybe on birthday?; tell izzy i love hurrr.
Miss Mummified Report | 12/14/2010 6:33 pm
Miss Mummified
bubby, help me?!
im really depressed.
i need to talk to james really bad, but he
got his phone taken away T.T
i really need to talk v.v
i love him alot. i think i love him too much. sad
i dont think he loves me anymore D:
please help? :/
Miss Mummified Report | 12/11/2010 11:59 am
Miss Mummified
immaa bunnie? ;/
no clue.
but i needa talk about jamez.
i Love Him Alot.. just like..
i feel like he doesnt feel the same way bout me x.x
i dunno wht to do..
Miss Mummified Report | 12/01/2010 1:22 pm
Miss Mummified
o.x wht the hell?
why yew wanna bunniee?
its on yer wishlist.. >.o

dude riley can do this s**t! x]

pictures of meh, sexy, right?

11.9.10 1 year.