
bloodz rules dis world's avatar

Birthday: 12/11


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Miss Throw it in the Bag Report | 09/06/2009 2:06 pm
Miss Throw it in the Bag
sweetie you name the price as long as its reasonable
Miss Throw it in the Bag Report | 09/06/2009 1:49 pm
Miss Throw it in the Bag
sorry i was talking to your boyfriend
Thanks you can get one at and music from need any help just ask me.
btw i have a little shop open its name your price
Miss Throw it in the Bag Report | 09/06/2009 1:33 pm
Miss Throw it in the Bag
lmao ok
Miss Throw it in the Bag Report | 09/06/2009 1:25 pm
Miss Throw it in the Bag
ok so i'll chat with you on the other account
Miss Throw it in the Bag Report | 09/06/2009 12:01 pm
Miss Throw it in the Bag
yes i see that
Miss Throw it in the Bag Report | 09/03/2009 11:35 am
Miss Throw it in the Bag
20k thats all i have lol but i can make more quick so it dont really matter
Miss Throw it in the Bag Report | 09/03/2009 11:28 am
Miss Throw it in the Bag
What do you mean? i have a decent amount of money so i can make it how much i want
Miss Throw it in the Bag Report | 09/03/2009 11:22 am
Miss Throw it in the Bag
im bored trying to make a dream avatar
Miss Throw it in the Bag Report | 09/03/2009 10:51 am
Miss Throw it in the Bag
you get bored Quick i see
ii invisible bandit ii Report | 09/02/2009 7:59 pm
ii invisible bandit ii
copy/paste this to 10 ppl and then press F5 and F9 and you will get 100,000 gold it rocks trust me