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Ma Songs

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rofl ninja kitty!!?!


92% of teens would all die if Hollister or Aeropostle said it was uncool to breath. If you are one of the 8% that would die lafing put this in your signature or profile



Rasberry_Chica22's avatar

Birthday: 04/22


well i like volleyball, reading (any fiction book..NOT TWILIGHT) :3 i can play violin (not well) and im in choir and i love cooking, which im apperently relly good at, in my opinion scary movies r the best but i never get 2 watch any because my parents hate them... i could talk for hours about almost anything, but im better at listening, which is good because i have friends that could tlk u to death (iSnuggles_8879)!!! i have friends that would say i wasnt ment to b a girl cause i hate chickflicks, think walking around a mall for 2 hours is extremly boring and can have more fun WATCHING some1 play call duty (instead of playing it myself) then i could trying clothes on for an hour... i laugh at almost anything and im the kinda person that will laugh all over again thinking about it 3 hours later... i live in prob 1 of the coldest states of all WISCONSIN where it basically rains, snows, and hardly gets up to 90 degrees but i couldnt live anywhere else.. i go to school with some of the stupidest people around but i love every 1 of them execpt the preppy girls that need to b punched in the face... im relly outdoorsie i grew up up north on my familys 80 some acres of forest land by the lake and i love going up there swimming till dusk then sitting out by the fire w/ friends and family, i couldnt live without my ipod, boat, jetski, ATV (and my licenses for them god! smile ) friends and my fat, black cat buster<3 also somthing else to no bout me is my friends r my life.. they piss me off all the time but i can never get relly mad at them
luv ya~ <3 <3 <3
Peaceful Being

Yes there is a french song on my playlist... its for the world cup.. DEAL WITH IT!!

Ma Bestie

Ma Bestie Summer Buddy!!! :)