Stuffs Abuot Meh.
HEY!!! heart So…you are probably reading this either because you are a creepy stalker sweatdrop or because you want to know more about me…So…here goes something, though I’m not quite sure what… maybe Superman… Anyways back to topic: I freaking looooove music!!!! And Victorian fonts… If you want to know my favorite bands, well you can just comment or send me a message or something… It would take half your life to listen to me rambling on about what bands I like, so I just wont unless you request…
My favorite movies are almost always comedy… I mean what’s
not to love about people doing random things for seemingly no reason? My fave shows are NCIS, CSI, Mental, The Mentalist, House, America’s Got Talent, So You Think You Can Dance, What Not To Wear, and many more….
I love sushi! And I Love to read… anything really, The classics to Twilight, I’ll read pretty much anything and find something I like about it… My favorite author, you ask… at the moment its Neil Gaiman… but that changes periodically…
If there’s anything else just ask and I will tell….
Secret Plans
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Problem: I don't know who wrote it!
I need to let you see it sometime. It's awful.
Okay, so it goes like this:
Mr. Jelley gets essay from little redneck child.
Note that the essay is about how Country music is the best thing ever, and one should never, ever, ever listen to anything else.
Grammatical errors everywhere! EVERYWHERE! It's giving me Post-Traumatic Grammar Stress Syndrome and it was only a couple of hours ago.
We get to revise it. I'm going to ruin this kid's life. . . Whoever they are!
Did I mention the grammatical errors? Oh, I did. But. . . SO. MANY. ERRORS.
Ultimately, whoever wrote this should be kicked repeatedly in the face.
I really hate hating on Mr. Stanton 'cause he's nice. But, I'm good at Math! Seriously!
Yeah, English is the problem for most people this year. 'Cept for me.
Oh, yeah, and what we're doing in there! It's all like "First you say 'No!'" and "And then you say 'Die!'" and "And then you say 'HEEEEeeeellllp~!'" gonk
Oh, hey. I managed to make an 87 in Math. I'm still in disbelief in what all I've had to do to make such a mediocre grade.
Seriously, just about everyone is like "Wtf?" in that class.
Mine looks all, "Yeeeahhhh. . ." stare
Iaal! rofl