
I'm a human
I know where I came from
they raised me well.
Sure I curse.
I will admit I've lied.
I have hated another.
I have done things I regret
I have done bad things,
and never once looked back.
But I believe I can do good things,
that I can help others.
I am still human,
and I still have hope.

About my friends:

My "Family" is what I call my dear friends because we have come to support each other and love each other more than sometimes our own families. In this way my friends are here described. None of them have blood relation to me. What we have is just as strong.

First up is probably the head of the household, My Brother Daniel. Tall, Sweet, and as he would say "the token Brit" Daniel is one of the most enigmatic people I have ever met. And I enjoy it. Patient and Understanding this boy is the most passionate being to walk the earth and he does it in style. I enjoy his wit and clarity, but also his struggles, for every time he has troubles, no matter how hard, he never quits until he can fix them. Daniel is one of the strongest people I have ever known, and I do not mean his bodily form. (A little Britt different)<4

Next up is the newest member to our family and a very welcome one. Young A I is a wonder of the world. Happy, Unique and BEAUTIFUL he sometimes cannot see the wonderful face that peers back in the mirror. The world has not always been kind to my dear Monsieur, but things are getting better. Hes with us now, and we wont allow him to be hurt any more. Hes too precious.<3

Nii-chan is the third boy of our family and the first one I met. Zachariah is a clam soul and an amazing person who is so creative if he bottled it up, he might explode into
a shower of pretzels. If you are confused Ignore that last statement, you probably shouldn't understand anyways. I love this child so much, he makes me smile. But I must say this, It still stands that if breaks her heart I'll kick his a**. <3 you Zachariah lol

His lovely and slightly more important girlfriend is Kristin, no not his girlfriend, more like proverbial fiance. The Blonde Bombshell and one of the sweetest people on the planet, she is an angel in disguise. I care so much for this girlie. She is my child, my sister, and my best friend. I will protect her until I may pass her to the only other person I find worthy of her hand, yeah when it comes to Kristin I'm a protective b***h. No touchie.

Last in my family is my Zoe. My small and amazingly tough child is one tough cookie. Adorable in most ways and honest she truly is not afraid to do anything to make someone smile. Always able to handle me in my worst moods and bring me back to earth she is really too goddamned stubborn for her own good... I enjoy spoiling her and Kristin to no end. muhahahahah


Viewing 12 of 16 friends


TheColorRaven's Journal

Pathetic really



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 09/27/2009 9:08 pm


D= you're off gaia x.x

Report | 05/30/2008 12:52 pm



Report | 05/10/2008 9:52 pm


thanks for buying! =D

Report | 05/10/2008 11:03 am


thanks for the buy

Report | 05/10/2008 10:40 am


Thank you for buying! User Image
Little Lady Lucifer

Report | 01/30/2008 6:25 pm

Little Lady Lucifer

YAAAUGH!*ATTACK GLOMPS* SI CHAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!it's Ray!

Report | 01/25/2008 1:39 pm


It's YOU!!


Kinoko the Clarinet

Report | 12/25/2007 4:41 pm

Kinoko the Clarinet

how have you been lately?
Kinoko the Clarinet

Report | 11/07/2007 2:24 pm

Kinoko the Clarinet


tis Jana. Hi!!! =D

Report | 10/07/2007 10:37 pm


Yea, my last day was alright... just cut a bit short. I wish I could've stayed the whole day, but alas we had to leave Atlanta by 1:30, so that kinda blew. Oh well. We know better for next time! User Image


Some days it's hard to wake up,
I love remembering you so much.