Naboo Thats Who

Naboo Thats Who's avatar

Birthday: 05/26


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My name is Naboo, I'm a Shaman, and ex Kiosk Worker. I now run my own store called Nabootique.

I'm 410 years old.
Originally from the planet Xooberon, but I was sent to Earth in 1978 to protect an amulet.
I shop at Shamansburys.
I have this stuff called "Naboo's Miracle Wax". Putting it in your hair will make each follicle as strong as a horse's leg, the Ape of Death and Vince Noir are some of my happy customers, if you want some Naboos Miracle Wax, request some from me.

Bollo is my familar. I need an upgrade, really...

I live with these two guys named Howard and Vince. They're alright, most of the time... when they're not accidentally destroying all of humanity and getting me in trouble with the board of Shamen.

Anyway, I'm usually willing to talk or give shamanly advice (for a "reasonable" price) so leave me comments or whatever

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A Shaman's Rambling

Naboo needs Gold

My favorite song :D

Don't listen to the hippie nonsense!



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intense cooter pain Report | 07/14/2014 10:28 pm
intense cooter pain
Oh my god heart
DarkRealmOfChaos Report | 08/30/2012 6:41 pm
99 problems, but Naboo ain't one..
Howard the Jazz Maverick Report | 10/25/2011 6:16 am
Howard the Jazz Maverick
Hey there Naboo, where have you been?
Maxximoto Report | 08/17/2011 1:07 pm
cool avi
Alice Orchid Report | 08/14/2011 4:03 pm
Alice Orchid
Naboo... there's this weird man, calls himself Gregg I believe... anyway, he's harrassing Moonie!
Ynnep Report | 07/21/2011 11:30 pm
Yes sir thank ya sir. He finally put me in his wheel barrow~!
Ynnep Report | 07/15/2011 9:17 am
I'm Old Gregg!!!
Mother of Purl Report | 07/12/2011 11:00 pm
Mother of Purl
Wanna dance pretty boy?
Just Very Slightly Mad Report | 06/02/2011 10:16 am
Just Very Slightly Mad
Oi! Naboo? We gettin' loaded on your birthday or what?

How old are you now, 411 - 412?
Malicious Loki Report | 05/10/2011 5:54 am
Malicious Loki
As a HUGE fan of the Boosh,I must add you,thank you for making my day <33


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Naboo stares into your soul!!!

This isn't really me, y'ballbags



Who is Naboo?

Scuba Jesus
Ghosty Hosty
Sir Aleister Tripp
I am Elektro boy
I Am Elektro Girl
Mother of Purl
Naboo Thats Who
Howard the Jazz Maverick
Vince the Prince
Alice Orchid

Bollo and I

The Face Behind the Enigma