Hiya! I'm Boxing Bella, and most folks simply call me Bella. But if you prefer, you can call me by my real name, Millie.
I am (apparently) misunderstood easily, insane, lively, loving, scarily innocent, occasionally complex, wannabe edgy, overly tidy and with a tendency to hop onto trends.
I like writing, drawing (badly), any story with interesting characters, and video games. My current favorite game is Pokemon, and my second favorite is currently Fallout 3. In general, I am currently obsessing over the following things:

I like music, but I have no particular favorite bands I can think of right now, with the exception of Foo Fighters and Motion City Soundtrack... but I'll listen to anything with a great beat.
My dislikes are stupid people, especially stupid people who cnt f**kng spel (and feel the need to censor swearwords while insisting they're hardcore), although on the reverse I want to slap the kind of people who think they're so much smarter and more mature then everybody else.
I'm a North American, and enjoy it very much.
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