I Love You. rolleyessweatdropstareredface4laughrofltalk2handeekwinkstressedbiggrinsmilexdheartheartheartheartheartheartheartheartheartheartheartheartheartheartheartheartheartheartheartheartheartheartheartheartheartheartheartheartheartheartheartheartheartheartheartheartheartheartheartheartheartheartheartheartheartheartheartheartheartheartheartheartheartheartheartheartheartcool I win. coolheart
Thanks for joining our clan, we hope you enjoy being part of our community and are looking forward to all the great stuff coming up.
Make sure to keep active and check back from time to time on the forums. Theres a new post now about what we should do for our grand opening so go check it out!!!
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Thank You^_^
Thanks for joining our clan, we hope you enjoy being part of our community and are looking forward to all the great stuff coming up.
Make sure to keep active and check back from time to time on the forums. Theres a new post now about what we should do for our grand opening so go check it out!!!
Clan URL - http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/?guild_id=227985&is_clan=1
feel free to introduce or/ post (anything u want) on clan forum.
p.s. cute outfit and the santa cow plushie is so cute smile