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The Cupcake Assassin

The Cupcake Assassin's avatar

Gender: Female

Location: Arkansas

Birthday: 08/07

Occupation: Student

Talk to me, babeh

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Hello there!

Hey! I'm Diana.
I'm a freshman at a tiiiny private school in Arkansas.
Music major. Vocal. Win.

In my spare time, I'm usually either doing something musical, playing World of Warcraft [HORDE FTW], studying, or outside socializing. It's a nice life. smile

I'm a nice person, generally speaking. I have a "unique" personality and sense of humor. I'm very sarcastic, random, and I try to be witty, but it doesn't always work out. Ah, well. In person, I'm very shy and soft-spoken until I get comfortable enough to stop caring about your opinion of me. [I know that sounds bad, but I don't know how else to say it. XD] I'm pretty talkative online, though. That being said, I'm pretty friendly, so drop me a message sometime. I love random shout-outs.

Peace, homedawg.


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