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pinkflirt3 Report | 03/15/2009 7:55 pm
pinkflirt3 Report | 03/06/2009 11:29 pm
Lady Amnie Report | 02/14/2009 7:32 am
Its kinda like competitive skating but you attach things to them that make you better and able to do different things. It was a anime I wouldn't normally like but I really did. Its interesting and kinda funny.
Lady Amnie Report | 02/13/2009 3:20 pm
Agito and Akito User Image From Air Gear.
dezzysa Report | 02/12/2009 7:51 pm
lol, yeah I'd probably like it (poor sucky emo guys).
dezzysa Report | 02/12/2009 7:47 pm
Wait, u mean the anime Blood plus, nope haven't watched it (should I?Is it good)
dezzysa Report | 02/12/2009 7:44 pm
Sorry (took a long time to reply,I've been busy),but yes I've heard Season's call (very awesome!).Omg! almost forgot,(I don't know if you've seen it or not) but you should look for Hyde on Matthews best hit tv. (it's an adorable video of Hyde failing at physical/mental activities,lol) I felt sorry for him when he said he cried a tear.
Lady Amnie Report | 02/12/2009 6:40 pm
mmm yes that is quite an amazing pairing. Not my first fave pair tho but pretty close.
Lady Amnie Report | 02/12/2009 6:13 pm
Yes. I do see that but when I see that I just wanna cuddle him and make that look go all away. Mmmmm but like the mysteriousness of him at times makes my mouth drool. I love him in Sakura City. I watch those episodes over and over again. And vampire?!?!?! Hold the phone. So was not seeing that one coming!
Lady Amnie Report | 02/11/2009 9:04 pm
Kuro-pu is soooo cute!!! Kuro-wanwan XD I cant wait for the third season on the anime for it. Fai is just soooooo perfect and mysterious.

L'Arc En Ciel

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Where are you now? As I'm swimming through the stereo I'm writing you a symphony of sound.Where are you now? As I rearrange the songs again this mix could burn a whole through anyone, but it was you I was thinking of.


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