about me
Hello my name is joe, i am 17 biggrin as u can tell i am emo yes but i dont care what people say about me. i have had my heart broken so many times i dont know if i can trust anyone with my heart...... i had the best girlfreind of my life but she ended up cheating on me with my step brouther, that mouther ********. well i do have the best sister ever and the best cousin ever. well my past was well hell....... well thats it want to more about me type me or something........ -joe
Me now wink
damn i sexy
Daydreaming biggrin
I let my sister do whatever she want......this is how it turned out. sexyness wink

Me now wink

damn i sexy

Daydreaming biggrin

I let my sister do whatever she want......this is how it turned out. sexyness wink

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