
I am a Recycle Bin. I am a mule. As my name is given, my task is to hold all the un-need junks from my master. I knew that not all users who are nice enough to spend time on recycling them by collect and exchange them for paper hats and bouquets (my master, for example). For that very reason, it's irritated my very existence. So I have decided to do my best to save my master from her house of trash, to save the environment from being overloaded with dirty trashes, to save her other mule from being overload with junks she stuffed in them (poor the ladies mules), as well as to save my younger siblings from being starved (mind you they are also recycle bins like I am). So help us out and dump all your junks on us. One thing for sure, my master won't feed us enough. Who knows, you might get a few coins in return for your kindness.

On my spare time, I work part time as a profile testing mule for a certain somebody. For that reason, you'll see this page changes from time to time. For the record, all the graphics used are by other graphic artists. The one coding the profiles only code profiles. If you're interested to learn who's behind this, PM me for more details!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean id sem id magna malesuada efficitur. Sed sit amet sem vitae risus vulputate viverra. Quisque malesuada in erat ut egestas. Maecenas viverra sit amet libero sit amet ullamcorper. Sed varius risus at eros tempus cursus. Cras sed consequat sem. Nam tempor eleifend sapien, non ornare ex malesuada vel. Curabitur a mattis lorem.



Viewing 2 of 2 comments.

Teh Recycle Bin

Report | 02/25/2017 2:37 am

Teh Recycle Bin

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Teh Recycle Bin

Report | 02/25/2017 2:35 am

Teh Recycle Bin

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus id metus sed metus placerat vehicula et ut ante. Pellentesque auctor quis dolor eget condimentum. Duis accumsan sit amet nisl id tristique. Suspendisse lacus dui, posuere vel sollicitudin quis, tincidunt malesuada ipsum. Mauris blandit elit massa. Sed tincidunt ligula in leo scelerisque, eu luctus leo eleifend. Nulla efficitur tortor at libero convallis euismod.


If you have junks you do not want, please send them to me.
The Gaia Dump[/size:bd2dbcda95]