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I am, without a doubt, one of the most common people found in America today. I mean, before the name was even common, before the movies were made popular, before I even knew what androgyny meant, I grew into what is now known as common. I never "peaked" in High School, hell I didn't even finish High School. I was "spirited" growing up, and really sensitive to sites and sounds. I rebelled as an activist instead of against my Mother. I'm so gay, my hair isn't even straight, but I do have a celebrity crush on David Bowie (don't ask). I use Microsoft Works Word Processor to spell check everything, even this. My motto is "Life Happens", not because that's what I grew up hearing, but because it's true. They say Home is where the heart is, well, as myself, The Gypsy Lyric, the not-so-well-known Alex F., learn this, and I mean learn this well, my heart is where the road is.


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Onariko Report | 04/17/2012 11:53 am
Jealous! I want to go to London. smile Good luck on everything though. I need to find my calling. razz
Onariko Report | 04/15/2012 12:21 pm
Amazing. Went to this awesome orchestra last night. How're you?
Onariko Report | 02/20/2012 1:53 pm
Hey baby. wink
It's me Becky. I didn't know you played. smile
hooded owl Report | 03/20/2011 10:20 pm
nice profile 3nodding
Rheigne Report | 11/25/2010 11:48 am
Happy Birthday.. heart
adan da awzom Report | 12/12/2009 1:53 pm
Read this! It's really really important! Please!?

“I love him and I know he loves me back the same!”

“Huh, and how do you know this exactly?”

“I- I feel it! I know it’s true!”

“Hmm. Look at my foot.”

“Wha- why?”

“I feel like my foot is bleeding. Is it? Is it true that my foot is bleeding?”

“No it isn’t… but-“

“Simply put girl, feelings can be wrong. Love can be wrong.”

Coppy and paste this on your profile if you agree with it!!!
Airan lost demon Report | 11/29/2009 10:54 pm
Sooo many badges :O
Momokins-chan Report | 11/25/2009 9:25 pm
Happy Birthday
Calcifer Hyung Report | 11/16/2009 8:26 pm
Yay! Thanks for buying. 3nodding
Kill Lucky Report | 11/04/2009 3:34 pm
Bad Moon




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Gypsy says: "There's nothing wrong with a little lesbianism." ♀♀