
Kaylith's avatar

Last Login: 12/29/2012 10:32 pm

Registered: 12/12/2003

Gender: Female

Location: Wilmington, NC

Birthday: 01/31/1986

Occupation: Fast food slave

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What's there to know?

Well...I have finally graduated from college with a BA in Arts. All I have to do now is figure out what to do with the rest of my life. Easy...right? -_-;

I hope to create a web comic in the near future.

I am left-handed

I really love the Lord of the Ring series. (Many of my friends call me "hobbit" as a nick name because I am short and love mushrooms.)

I enjoy some anime. Mainly Revolutionary Girl Utena, Slayers, Kino's Journey, and Wolf's Rain. Japanese music also interests me. Also I have recently discovered Daft Punk, and I love it!

Other than that, I don't really know what else to put. I guess just talk to me if you'd like my friendship.


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Azure Dreams

This is just a little place for my ramblings of life in Gaia.


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shakefrost Report | 08/19/2011 7:00 am
*pokes* will you ever give me avi art? =/ if not just tell me so i can stop waiting .-.
Lady big booty Report | 07/22/2011 8:22 am
wow thank you, that thing is awesome i just wanted something cute but not that expensive thank you blaugh
Lady big booty Report | 07/22/2011 8:20 am
thank you heart
Easley Lighthalzen Report | 07/21/2011 9:16 pm
it's from El MaƱana
The Drunken Jester Report | 07/21/2011 8:13 pm
Thanks. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
The_Dreamist Report | 03/15/2009 12:09 am
cute kitty
Joezell Report | 06/16/2008 5:18 pm
Yo, talk to me!
The Mongrel Report | 05/23/2008 11:43 am
Hey! Hey! Heyheyhey!

I dont know if I ever told you, (because life SUCKED round Feb) but I was stunned and adored the picture of Aisu you gave me. It was just gorgeous. You're a truely fantastic artist, and I treasure that piece. It's beautiful, and fits him perfectly. User Image

I hope you're well. It saddens me we dont talk a ton anymore. My fault, I know, Im never around. :C But you're missed, and much loved. Thank you for remembering me on my day, and for being a great friend to someone who is more than once a flake.
Kilara_Nyu Report | 01/09/2008 12:40 pm
Good seeing you today! way to be awesome!
Kilara_Nyu Report | 12/20/2007 12:45 pm
boo! miss ya!


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