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Hello There . (:

oh hey, im brittany. i love photography, beaches, sugar, my bestfriends, justin bieber, my family, and MUSIC. get to know me. (;

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my loveerrs. < 3

dear brittany, your amazing and an awesome friend;best one yet! no guy will ever split us up(: its just isnt possible to break up an amzing friendship like ours.< 3
- savannah emma.

im youur . . . . . wait for it . . . . . . STALKER (:
- briaunna< 3

i < 3 brittanynicolee(:
< 3- sydneeey.

olivia loves brittany moree than anyone ! i dont caree what you say i love her moree. teehee
- oliviaa. < 3

i love brittawnay more than oliviaa. oliviaa loves brittawnay only 95% i love herr 100%- eilisch. < 3

vici owns brittawnays loveeee !
- vici.

brittany is vici's wifee suck on that- vici again < 3

i own brittany.(:
- brandon < 3

brittany best buds . we like the same things but sometimes we dont like the same people akaa brandon jaaaykaaay he is ok but we met when we were young by thee oddest thing. . . SPARKLY CRAYONS your the best && i mean the bestest friend i have ever hadd. < 3 even though were miles away in my heart you aree very close. loveee youuuuuuuu.

- hannah mariee. < 3

brittanyaah baay(: i wuuv you bestfweinnd ! you are thee bestfriend i could ever ask for. && your pink braces aree pretty cool(;

- bweaannnaa booo. < 3