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ChemoKidRaver's avatar

Last Login: 12/20/2012 6:42 pm

Registered: 02/27/2009

Gender: Female

Birthday: 12/16


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So. Since you're reading this I suppose you want to know things about me.
My name is Kelsie Scoggins, I'm almost 18 years old. I live in Kane, IL. I have survived leukemia and chemo, along with your normal life crap. I'm not completely weird, nor am I normal. I don't trust people quite as easily as I did only a year ago. I'm not an easy person to talk to actually. I guess you just have to talk to me to find out the real important things about me.


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College Collin Report | 08/13/2014 12:38 am
I know we weren't close, but I miss you. I know you're in a better place. It's weird to think you were here in April and now you're gone. I'm happy your in a better place and if there is a heaven, I know you and Robin Williams are probably cracking jokes about us still here. Rest in peace, you are sorely missed. heart
ZeldaSonicCat Report | 11/19/2012 3:56 am
I do see it!
You're not as naked as you where!
ZeldaSonicCat Report | 11/17/2012 11:51 pm
ZeldaSonicCat Report | 02/19/2012 8:10 am
ZeldaSonicCat Report | 02/19/2012 8:05 am
Yew...Yew like my avatar?! emotion_kirakira Yeay. When are you comming home? emotion_dowant
ZeldaSonicCat Report | 02/18/2012 11:35 am
Run, Run away!
^^ Hi thar
ZeldaSonicCat Report | 06/27/2011 8:04 am
i think you were hacked....
ZeldaSonicCat Report | 06/23/2011 9:18 am not braty kelsie....... sad
Shadow of Loki Report | 04/24/2011 5:59 pm
Wow.... looks like the just straight up deleted your thread. XD I find it funny. this is chaos by the way and I was tring to give you some advice so I'll just post it here.
ahh 16.. I was saying 17 out of estimation because of the year. I didn't look at the actual month. XD

People do this all the time... the custom tools that the people on these sites give you is nothing compared to what you can do with actual programming... as well these sites are an absolute rip off... given enough research time you can find a way to get better web domains for free. the only thing the are good for is a blog which you can get for free... heck gaia online will let you post more videos than that site on your blog... With just a little... I'm not even talking about college level programming just stuff you learn out of a book you can make a better website than one of those custom web domains. Have you seen what people can do to there profiles on gaia with CSS coding? and thats just editing the layout of a already existing website.

Your young... use your imagination... I'm sure you could come up with something more exciting to say about your website... it doesn't have to blow a person's mind but... you don't say anything about your website... even on the link that you posted, its also against the ToS to advertise.. you can put this in your profile as your personal website though. You were just someone young that thought to do this on spur of the moment... like most people that advertise these... Do not think I'm insulting you, I'm not. I think anyone can do something that they like to do, you just have to put your mind to it. You can make a much better website than this.

Theese kinds of websites aren't meant for fun unless you can pay for the upgrades. They are ment for portfolios for business people with little web design experience.
jesebelle anna Report | 04/24/2011 11:19 am
no problem wink i will enjoy razz


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