Hi hi,
My name translates a bunch of time to something, at the time I was told, to something that sounds like "Dice-K", so that's how I got my name, not cause I gamble. ._.;
I come and go, sometimes I stick on for a while...
I'm not crazy on Gaia as I am on many other forums, so if you want a decent conversation with me, here is the place to talk. xO
Btw, I use emoticans for facial expressions like:
sometimes I use:
lol, rofl, lmao, or roflolmao
...Thinking about that intro up there... MY own comments are:
I can't introduce myself properly, moslty 'cause I'm lazy and sometimes I might be a jerk cause I'm pissed off IRL. D:
Watch out for me at that time. :
I'm a neeeerd.
not the kind that can't go a few lines of serious dialogue without a meme, but I like to talk a lot about random video games. @.@;
My conversations can flow from pancakes down to music, then about why people who have a facebook and expect privacy CAN, not necessarily, be filed under retards.
I digress.. which can bring me to my next point that I tend to digress a lot even when I'm going off into details. xO
Dispite what I might seem, I still like simplicity.
My favorite hamburger is: bread, cheese, meat, cheese, bread!
The end! no complicated fruits or veggies for me. xDDD
... o.o;
Digressing is like a past time for me, so I better end thi-
Great... I exist at the Plain of SUCK! D:
(see profile for detail)
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