So, i am Robin Skyx. first of all, i am open to new friends..... as long as your not a former drug adict, psyco path, retard (no afence) snob, teacher's pet or any others listed in Robin's least wanted catagory. And please, I started my journal when I first came on this site...... and no one has commented yet (no brainer)...... after all this time! whatever, live your life without the drama of my journal..... seriously, please comment. I don't like monkeys, gorillas, chimpanzeis, arangatanges or any other poop throwing, behind scratching, [fit your choice of word here, preferably a swear word] monkeys. ooohh, that felt good. in other words, i hate monkeys. One thing i do like are foxes. wierd huh. well the're the love of my life. hopfully i can snag one without being sent to jail for stealing wildlife, hopfully there's no law for that yet, and don't get any ideas future leaders of our contry. you may find me funny ( please no throwing roses, they hurt with their spikes) so don't be afraid to comment, but nothing like "so do you want to go out with me? I'll just dump my girlfriend and join the national stocker group until i find you". thankyou. yeah, but maybe some dafodiles, yes that would be nice.......
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Robin Skyx's soap opera Journal
My name is Robin, and welcome to my soap opera journal! I will try to write at least once a day, for those few of you who come by. Have a nice read! and be don't afraid to comment, i will answer them with as much self-esteem as I have left.
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