Yeah. As far as I know, the Super Street Fighter 4 Megapack has a few things from SSF4. Juri's Feng Shui Engine, Juri's Hair, DeeJay's Pants and a Chun-Li Companion.
Ahaha. Yeah, they had a Specific item for her. It's from..
Deejay's Pants, which is a SSF4 bundle. There's one for SF4 aswell I think it's called Street Fighter 4 Megapack =3=
*sigh* Yes, I'm serious. Neither are done evolving. Reve Rouille's artist has stated that she will be including the Mademoiselle (and presumably other human companion poses, like the cavalier) in each relevant evolution of the Reve as the characters are important in the EI's story, so she leaves those poses in. (Source:
And I don't know where you get the idea that Nightmare is done evolving; none of this artist's poses look anything like any of the past poses, so I don't see how you can think that they're a 'mix of old and new poses'.
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