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[You may know me as Melon Karu]
I'd say hi and greet you energetically like a five-year old even though I don't want to, so I'd rather not. Have fun reading this long wall of text. *snickers*

What's the most important thing you should know about me?
Well, there's more than one.
#1: I'm sarcastic and I can rather be callous at times. Just remember that I most likely won't mean it. (Ha, like hell I do.)
#2: I'm a Grammar Nazi, so if I read your typing that has numerous spelling/grammar/punctuation errors, I will mentally laugh at you
Third? I'm an extremely huge Bleach fan & an IchiRuki supporter. I know what you're thinking (because I can read minds obviously): "Wow, another one of those so-called "fans" of mainstream anime. Lame." Yeah well, you can suck it. I'm not someone who only likes and watches "maintstream" anime. I like/love Bleach because it has decent plots with some good characters. Go ahead and assume that I'm someone who "HEARTZ BLEECH EVN THO I DUNT NOE N-ETING ABOT IT, LOL!1!!," but I'll simply laugh at your face. I started watched Bleach when it wasn't even popular yet, so don't judge me so quickly.
Favourite character ever? Rukia Kuchiki, period. She's really a fighter, a survivor, and both mentally and physically strong. She's learned to care more about her friends and will risk her life for them. She can be both just hilarious at times, especially with her Picasso-art skills and her crazy obsession with rabbits. I just dislike how Ichigo "saved" (more like interrupted) Rukia's fight with Sode no Shirayuki. Yes Ichigo, we know you're unbelievably strong and have a huge ego. Get outta the spotlight already.
What about IchiRuki? Well, what can I say? I'm one of the most craziest IchiRuki supporter you'll ever meet. And yes, I know that Bleach is not meant to be some shoujo romance manga/anime and I'm well aware of the fact that maybe no one will end up with anyone. But hey, the evidence is right there, clear as day.
Oh yeah, since I love IchiRuki so much, I might as well hate Orihime Inoue. Please. All you so-called IchiRuki fans who hate Orihime just because she's a "slut/whore" and "in the way of IchiRuki?" I'd go over there and beat the s**t out of you if I weren't so lazy. Yes! It's a miracle! There's an IchiRuki supporter who likes Orihime! Come to think of it, I use to dislike the girl just because of IchiRuki. Sure, Orihime is somewhat like the other anime girls, but she has her admirable qualities. And sure, I want to yell at her when she heals some bad guy, but that's just the kind of person she is. She never thinks about herself. In fact, I'd be thrilled to have a friend like her in real life as well. She's a good person, so no need to bash her and hate her just because you support IchiRuki. I mean, what kind of F'ed up reason is that?
In My Ears, I Hear...
Japanese: YUI, Younha, Utada Hikaru, Nana Mizuki, Rie Fu, Stereopony, Shirou Sagisu, Aqua Timez, UVERworld, Mai Hoshimura
Korean: Younha, SNSD/Girls' Generation, Davichi, KARA

Pet peeves? (Why do people call it that anyway? What did pets ever do to you, huh? It's animal cruelty I say)
People who walk slow in front of you and dare to stop in the middle of the hallway while people are still walking. [High school]
You fudge-heads are lucky that I didn't kick you from behind yet.
The colour pink. Like I would totally love the colour pink after being forced to wear it for the last 13 years. Yep, that's really reasonable.
I Love...
♪ Tea. I'm a tea-holic. ;D
♪ Spicy/Asian Food
♪ Being sarcastic. It's fun and makes people laugh.
♪ Literature, art, and singing. *points to DA & links below*
♪ Animals & the environment. You haven't fully lived 'till you've noticed/seen the beautiful sights around.
♪ Traveling. I can't sit still for too long.
♪ Winter & Snow.
♪ The colour white for being so pure.
♪ Scary movies that scare the s**t outta people.
♪ Bleach & IchiRuki. Obviously.
♪ Daydreaming.
♪ Amusement parks.
♪ MMORPGs. *points to ESO link below*

I don't like...
» Cheese by itself. You couldn't pay me to eat the thing.
» Rap.
» Social Studies.
» Socializing. People find this surprising for some reason...
» Fake people. When I meet you, I'll slap you. On the face.
» Substitute teachers who have no clue what to do.
» Using that high-pitched voice to talk to little kids. They're people too you know.
» People who think swearing 10x a row is a good insult.
» Chain letters.
» People who pity me. Don't pity me; I pity you.
» Girls who only think about "omg, dat guy is like sooo hoooot!!!" If I hear someone say that one more time, I'll kick you across the building.
» Expectations. No pressure, huh.
Other Sites that I Stalk:
Ether Saga Online: Main: ArtemisK

I bet you'd love to learn MORE after reading that short about me. C:
If you're suicidal to do so, please do drop a comment.


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Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 03/01/2010 9:43 pm


Hey Karu!~
It has been quite a while Dx [Hopefully you can get back on your main!]

That's alright ^^ i understand that you're busy, I'm quite busy myself ^^U
You missed quite alot, unfortunately, it looks like Fallen Wishes is dying TT_______TT
ERmmm...A few new RIGs, zOMG is amazing <3 xDD and....the Valentine's Day Event, but you haven't really missed anything huge. Oh!
Make sure to get your Gaiaversary gift! [find in the announcements ^^] The gift is super cute!

I hope to talk to you more ^___^ *hugs* I miss you!
The Magic Sparkly Tea

Report | 11/08/2009 2:35 pm

The Magic Sparkly Tea



Report | 11/08/2009 2:33 pm



Sakura, your role-playing is getting out of hand. >.>
Let's return, shall we?

Report | 11/08/2009 2:29 pm


It's no problem really.
And... You're acting freakishly like Orihime.

Well, there's nothing wrong with rabbits, IS THERE?!
It doesn't because...
Well, he's a brain-less fool.
And besides, my name does not define who I am.
Therefore, it doesn't matter.
Don't ask that Strawberry.

Report | 11/08/2009 2:25 pm


Nonono, it's perfectly fine. You can use it.
I find it strange that Kisuke wouldn't let me or Ichigo ...erm, talk to that man.
Something must be up that sneaky fool's sleeve. *sigh* Kisuke and his plans...

That's the problem.
I hate too much cute. Unless of course...They were rabbits...
What the.
His opinion doesn't matter in my name.

Report | 11/08/2009 2:18 pm


That's not funny, Sakura!
Anyhow... Fine, you are forgiven...
For now. >.>

Let's see...
Aikuri backwards would be... Irukia...
And Ikihcuka would be... Akuchiki.

Wait, didn't I recommend that name to Tea?
And...What's with people naming themselves after me?! Gosh, someone stole my own name on here!
That's how I got "Ru-Ru Hosashika." Err, more like... Ukitake-taicho told me to.
And now, people are calling me Ru-Ru CHAN! CHAN!

Report | 11/08/2009 2:11 pm


My God, Sakura, when was the last time you came on Gaia?!
Aikuri Ikihcuka?
What in Aizen's glasses does THAT mean?

Report | 04/25/2009 9:26 pm



Report | 04/25/2009 9:23 pm


I wus kidding...
I know I know...
I'll do mai best, kay? <33

Report | 04/25/2009 9:19 pm


I'll try..XD