Viewing Axel Number Vlll's profile | Profiles v1 | Gaia Online


*comes out of the shadows*
Well hello there and welcome to my profile.

Also, don't be afraid to add me. I'll gladly accept your friend request.
*gives seasalt ice cream*
You see I'm not as bad as I look wink

My adoring fans ;]
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Viewing 12 of 363 friends



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 05/01/2017 7:52 am


those hilarious icons, tho, lol.
incredible Sonic109

Report | 06/22/2013 11:26 am

incredible Sonic109

REALLY?!! THAT MEANS SO MUTCH TO ME!!! mrgreen Wats your favorite color? razz

Report | 06/05/2013 2:25 pm


Lol The honor is all mine 4laugh Haha thank you for accpting my request Axel ;3
xX RaWr DiNo LoVeR Xx

Report | 10/16/2012 7:08 pm

xX RaWr DiNo LoVeR Xx

yay biggrin D
xX RaWr DiNo LoVeR Xx

Report | 10/16/2012 3:05 pm

xX RaWr DiNo LoVeR Xx

We should hang out somewhere sometime ^^
xX RaWr DiNo LoVeR Xx

Report | 10/15/2012 7:32 pm

xX RaWr DiNo LoVeR Xx

Long time no talk, Like your profile : DD

Report | 09/25/2012 11:53 pm


Youre welcome biggrin

Report | 09/01/2012 10:58 am


Thank you for accepting my request to be friends, Axel. And I love the icons on your profile. XD Very nice selection.
Turing Tech Geek

Report | 04/10/2012 9:36 am

Turing Tech Geek

Nice profile! I also love the icons and the music. So I take it Axel is your favorite Kingdom Hearts character? I like Axel and Vexen, they are my two favorite characters. Either way have a nice day/

Report | 09/01/2011 1:23 pm


hey so what's up


5 years later....