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FFX Seymour Guado

FFX Seymour Guado's avatar

Birthday: 04/16


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Maester Seymour

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I am Seymour Guado, Maester of Yevon and leader of Guadosalam. I was born to a human mother and a neglectful Guado father. When I was young, the people of Guadosalam were in disarray when Jyscal, my father, married a human, and due to the pressure, banished the both of us to the distant island of Baaj. By the young age of 9, my mother sacrificed herself, turning into a fayth, and later Aeon Anima, to grant me the power to defend myself. I was distraught...lonely. I rejected Anima and left for Baaj, living my years in solitude and wishing for company. By the time I came of age, I was allowed back into Guadosalam, summoned and ordained as a priest of Macalania Temple. I would later accept Anima and have its fayth transported to Baaj. I would visit and contemplate a bit of reasoning that I had devised when I was younger....I had considered it...but I rejected it in the end. This didn't stop me from "dealing" with my father though... So now here I am, a Maester of Yevon and full supporter of the Summoners.



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Lulu_Moogle_Chan Report | 07/17/2010 10:39 pm
imma sure i killed yoouu~ O_O...o come back like 5 times in the game...
Gifted Summoner Yuna Report | 04/14/2010 2:33 pm
Gifted Summoner Yuna
I love your Seymour cosplay.
Zanarkand Warrior Tidus Report | 12/23/2009 5:15 am
Zanarkand Warrior Tidus
Seymour!!! >,<
FFVII-Yuffie K Report | 12/06/2009 5:19 pm
FFVII-Yuffie K
i dont like u in ffx..but..its cool cosplay...=.=''
Odd Cinderella Report | 11/29/2009 10:03 pm
Odd Cinderella
User Image"Can we be friends? redface "
I Rikku l Report | 09/14/2009 1:36 pm
I Rikku l
High Summoner Yuna X-2 Report | 09/13/2009 1:04 am
High Summoner Yuna X-2
oh hello Seymour -still has flash backs of that weeding- ._.
Sorceress Lulu Report | 07/16/2009 5:28 am
Sorceress Lulu are you?
XVoiceOfTheGraveX Report | 06/09/2009 5:36 pm
-bows in respect- Maester Seymour,
How are you m'lord?
xxXYuna of SpiraXxx Report | 06/09/2009 3:00 pm
xxXYuna of SpiraXxx
Hello Maester Seymour. ^.^