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WrittenWordMagic's avatar

Birthday: 03/22


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About Me

OK!!!!!!!! MY B-DAY IS THE 23 !!! NOT 22!!!!!!!! somehow thats messed up and it won't let me edit it...

I am an author...My book, peoms, songs....etc....

Boston is my place ever...for now I'm stuck in Chander, AZ. Enjoy the cacti, people, plenty for everyone.

No sports. Archery, though. Ever heard an arrow thwang as it hits the target? Awesome sound. Will never forget it...

I love drawing...I think I'm pretty good. Not awesome but I'm improving.

I'm the gifted program, and get all A's. Whoop.

Dirty, honey blond hair, LONG. German skin, blue eyes.

Favorite color's green, and blue.

I love wolves...and German Shepards. All animals, though. But I have a German Shepard, they're so beautiful...

And the Moon. Oh the Moon, how I love you...

I'm shy; orginal, and different. Funny, and mostly nice, but I get upset and mad easily. Heed your warning, its the only you'll get.

I love technology, Avatar, and Total Drama said.

I'm a strong Christian; I found Jesus by myself, to my pride; but I honestly don't give a care what religion anyone is.

I love the newspaper, am a strong activist with many opinions...

I'm a mixed breed; English, German, Irish, and Scottish, in that order. My Grandma on my moms side was all German, my GrandDad Scott-Irish, and father's parents all English. (My Mom's parents died when she was seven)

On that depressing note, Good bye, Guten Tag, Reise-und! (German for Goodbye, Good day, Travel Well) (My own quote!)

Call me Written, if you want. biggrin

My Aquarium

Your aquarium is undergoing maintenance!


View All Comments

Shepard-Keeper101 Report | 03/14/2009 10:24 am
Ha, I tapped your tank! How are you?
Letalis Penna Report | 02/03/2009 7:07 pm
Letalis Penna
Hello. How are you?
Shepard-Keeper101 Report | 01/19/2009 3:07 pm
I like the aquarium. I love goldfish!!!!
iiHolly Report | 01/17/2009 9:06 am
;D My Birtday Is Jan 22nd!
hotshot8851 Report | 01/16/2009 5:11 am
Letalis Penna Report | 01/14/2009 6:55 pm
Letalis Penna
Septemberbreeze Report | 01/05/2009 4:37 pm
Patroness Report | 01/01/2009 7:52 pm
You'll get there on your book, hun. I'm in nearly the exact same position as you.

P.S. Yay for blonde, blue eyed, part german Christians who love to write! ( It seems as though there are quite a few similarities between you and I. . . )
Kurenai-Shinju Report | 01/01/2009 2:58 pm
Thanks for saying that, it makes me feel better. All I did was tell them that they were wrong and they blew up on me. Just bastards looking for an argument. Seesh. It's best to ignore them from now on.
And your welcome. smile
Letalis Penna Report | 01/01/2009 2:10 pm
Letalis Penna
Your welcome.



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Journal Blog...

I like wolves, the moon, writing, drawign, animals, technology...I guess I plan to blog a bit about my favorite shows and books and what I'm doing and stuff...I'm pretending I'm like gwen from TDi with her famous diary!


MY BFF from my old town, New York

My friend's hang out...

Gwen and Trent from obsessed with this show...