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ramblings of a 22 year old vaghead


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Jude PAW

Report | 01/12/2009 6:45 pm

Jude PAW

-{ B }-{ u }-{ m }-{ p }-


Report | 12/26/2008 5:39 am


I'm starting to believe you are my artistic soul mate, everything you just said i have to agree with, musically and theatrically. Björk inspires me in so many ways. I think it will be really hard to get out all my influences in a profile comment but I can tell you a few with out trying to be repetitive or copying what you've just said, although i find we share a lot in common in those areas. It's nice to see you're as international as I am when it comes to your influences. I've noticed a a lot of so called indie's are more local and I branch out more than that, much more, and I have a broader spectrum of things but I wish I knew more. Yasujiro Ozu has great imagery in his work, I especially admire his film Good Morning. It's a very light hearted film and a favorite of mine. Almodóvar as you've mentioned is absolutely amazing, I can't say enough good things of him. Wes Anderson, all the Coppola's too. Guillermo del Toro's work is exceptional especially Pan's Labyrinth. Oh and I have to mention the wonderful wonderful Tarsem Singh.
As for music, god, I could be here all day going over a list. Paul Banks, of Interpol, moves me lyrically, I've never heard anyone or can compare him to anyone who's lyrics are so moving and poetic. Björk will always be my favorite female artist. Too many single artist too name at the time but as far as bands go, the bigger the better, or rather the more instruments the better. Such as, The Shout Out Louds, Architecture in Helsinki, Broken Social Scene, at times the Polyphonic Spree. Things of that nature. I would love to work on music myself some days. If only I could get out of this shitty neighborhood and this hell hole of a job lol. Do you work?

Report | 12/24/2008 6:16 am


the tambourine is so soulful. i adore music. and yes, i have a lot of friends in the music business and i see how much heck they have to get through just for one track or ep. so what musical influences do you have? also, what about movies?

Report | 12/16/2008 6:01 am


I do not, I'm an advance kazoo player and I dabble in a little milk jug as well. I'm however engaged to a man that does the fiddle and he's pretty close to being damn perfect but if he had a glockenspiel and let me play his tambourine I'd be in heaven.
Anyways, so tell me more of "you" and I shall tell you more of "me" although I'm not really all here.

Report | 12/11/2008 6:47 am


you had me at glockenspiel!