
I'm a simple lurker on this website now that I like to come on to every now and again. My previous name people have known me by have been Roller, Quaranty, RollerCoastersRock etc. My real name is Anna.

I sometimes don't come on for days/weeks but I like the nostalgia factor of this place. I still genuinely enjoy gaia. If you want to message me, ya'll are certainly free to. I used to roleplay, but haven't done it much lately.

A PM is more likely to catch my attention as I'm bad at checking comments lmao

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Young link_24 Report | 06/21/2022 3:37 pm
Young link_24
Are you roller, as in rollercoastersrock? I used to be your friend and somehow still remember vibing with you in towns to this day lmao.
Hope life is treating you well. Sending good vibes.
CrystBalfast Report | 04/10/2021 6:49 am
Morning, how was your Easter 2021?
Mizaroo Report | 01/15/2020 9:55 pm
Thanks for buying lovely emotion_bigheart
Chevalier Du Ciel Report | 07/22/2018 8:28 am
Chevalier Du Ciel
DreamfulNightmare Report | 01/16/2016 8:31 am
sweatdrop well, if I'm lucky, by 2017... I should be headed out to Colorado.
DreamfulNightmare Report | 01/16/2016 7:36 am
emo I know...
DreamfulNightmare Report | 01/16/2016 1:17 am
emo I'm not allowed to in the town I'm in... emotion_facepalm everyone is very constrictive towards their beliefs and ideas as being the "ABSOLUTE" and shut out anything "different" sad
DreamfulNightmare Report | 01/15/2016 4:39 pm
emotion_facepalm but, I'd usually get in trouble for self expression.
DreamfulNightmare Report | 01/14/2016 5:55 pm
*blushes very nervously* b---but.... my first poem nearly got me expelled because it was "Too Dark" as both my English Teacher in High School and Principle said... cry
DreamfulNightmare Report | 01/13/2016 5:19 pm
*blushes bashfully* actually, the stuff I usually write is really dark.
Ocean Chrysanthemum