Call me Lawd. Or Ooh? Idk.
Why yes, I speak French.
S&M is a neat little thing.
I happen to be a nymphomaniac.
Why no, I don't smoke, drink, or do drugs.
Well, I do drink. Sometimes. ?
I am, however, afraid of the dark, clowns, and needles.
I am four feet, nine inches tall.
I love coffee.
I have porphyria.
I don't like bright lights, they hurt my eyes.
I prefer the cold to the heat.
I love to sleep.
Grape is my favourite flavour.
I like to say what I think; especially when it's offensive.
I love messages and comments.
I'm really quite sweet.
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lol here is the ultimate V-day screw up made by a friend of mine (it was their anniverasry the same day)
His girlfriend buys him a ring (which he picked out himself), balloons, a gift basket. Bought herself some lingerie to wear for him, even set up a bubble bath for the end of the night
and all he got for her were a pair of $40 small and thin hoop earings he got at a cart at a mall
V-day sucks, cuz it forces single people to be constantly reminded by all the happy couples that they dont have anybody.
So how was your valentines day?