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Dante Kazahana's avatar

Last Login: 07/25/2023 6:56 pm

Registered: 12/01/2008

Gender: Male

Birthday: 05/22


Welcome to my page... I'm Dante Kazahana though I go by either Dante or Vespa (Don't ask lol).

I'm 22 and I'm in the U.S Army. My hobbies include anime, manga, watching youtube, rping, and gaia. I'm a big gamer and I'm willing to game with anyone so feel free to message me and I'll add you on whatever. Currently though I'm mostly on xbox since most of my friends will be on there though once I reach 100,000 gamer score I'll be giving my playstation account much more love. As for PC... I'm still wanting to build my own custom computer so if you know about computers please help... sweatdrop

Just fyi... I do curse... like a lot... and I do mean a lot... army has that effect on you lol but don't worry I try to be nice to people. Though I'm a bit nervous around new people I'll admit...

As for rping I kinda alternate between rping extremely often to disappearing for several weeks. You can blame video games for that lol. I prefer usually rping in PM so feel free to message me if you are curious smile


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Strikers Daughter Report | 05/22/2024 5:19 pm
Strikers Daughter
Happy Birthday friend!
Strikers Daughter Report | 01/17/2021 4:31 pm
Strikers Daughter
Hey there! Long time no see! Can I get your discord please? Here's mine:

Crimson Rose/Shield#6146
Strikers Daughter Report | 01/17/2021 4:27 pm
Strikers Daughter
Sempai!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *hugs* How and where have you been?! I've been worried. This is Duchess of Wolves by the way.
Strikers Daughter Report | 05/28/2018 12:01 pm
Strikers Daughter
Hey sempai! Wanna RP?? I'm bored.
DraculasLittlePrincess IV Report | 02/12/2018 12:05 am
DraculasLittlePrincess IV
interesting. Explain please 3nodding
DraculasLittlePrincess IV Report | 02/11/2018 1:39 pm
DraculasLittlePrincess IV
idk, up for a master/slave RP? or something else?
DraculasLittlePrincess IV Report | 02/11/2018 1:27 pm
DraculasLittlePrincess IV
nothing much really, just a family issue but it's been resolved. And sure i'm always up for a good RP. Any ideas?
Strikers Daughter Report | 02/11/2018 11:54 am
Strikers Daughter
It's really up to you, either is fine with me right now. Whichever is easier for you to do, is fine by me.
Strikers Daughter Report | 02/11/2018 11:43 am
Strikers Daughter
Lol Would you mind making it please? I'm just finishing up something for class and eating lunch.
Strikers Daughter Report | 02/11/2018 11:27 am
Strikers Daughter
Well I'd really like to play a Mystic Fox woman if that's okay. Maybe we can do an RP where a guy gets lost on a snowy night after his car broke down and my girl saves his life?


Aura, goddess of Harmony
Chaos, god of Destruction
The two gods reigning from distant realms,
gathered warriors from distant realms and demensions to lead them in savage war.
Aura and Chaos were of equal strength.
It was believed that the conflict would last forever....."

Join into The Eternal War

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Young Wolf-Channon
call me grimm
Young Wolf-Channon
Hermes Rose
call me grimm
Young Wolf-Channon
-I- silent_ame -I-
Foxy Shadow Girl
lunastasia iv
Crystal Hunter- Zant
Ino Hinomori

95% of teens would have a breakdown if the Jonas Brothers or Miley Cyrus was standing on the edge of a tower ready to jump, copy and paste if your the 4% yelling "JUMP B***H or the 1% pushing them off.

fake friends: Never ask for food. true friends: are the reasons you have no food. fake friends: Call your parents Mr/Mrs true friends: Call your parents DAD/MOM fake friends: bail you out of jail and tell you what you did was wrong. truefriends: Would sit next to you saying "Damn ... we messed up ... but that s**t was fun!" fake friends: never seen you cry. true friends: cry with you fake friends: Borrow your stuff for a few days then give it back. true friends: keep your s**t so long they forget its yours. fake friends: know a few things about you. true friends: Could write a book about you with direct quotes from you. fake friends: Will leave you behind if that is what the crowd is doing. true friends: Will kick the whole crowds a** that left you. fake friends: Would knock on your front door. true friends: Walk right in and say "I'M HOME!" fake friends: Are for a while. true friends: Are for life. fake friends: Will take your drink away when they think you've had enough. true friends: Will look at you stumbling all over the place and say "b***h drink the rest of that you know we don't waste s**t." fake friends: will talk s**t to the person who talks s**t about you. true friends: Will knock them the f**k out fake friends: Will read this. true friends: Will steal this, just like I did

2nd Oldest Sibling and Best Friend

3rd oldest & crime partner

Partner in crime

My buddy

You Say Pink, I Say Black. You Say Miley Cyrus, I Say SHE SUCKS! You Say Zac Efron, I Say WTF! You Say Pop, I Say Rock. You Say I'm Weird, I Say I'm Different. XP PUT THIS ON YOUR PROFILE IF YOU AGREE!!

A girl and a guy were speeding 100 mph on a motorcycle. girl: slow down, im scared. guy: no, this is fun. girl: no its not. please, slow down! guy: now tell me that you love me then i'll slow down. girl: i love you. now slow down! guy: now give me a big hug. So she gave him a big hug. guy: now take this helment off my head and put on your head, its bothering me. In the newspaper the next day, a motorcycle had crashed into a building because of a brake failure. two people were on it, but only 1 survived. The truth was, that half way down the road, the guy realized that the brakes were broken and he did'nt want the girl to know. Instead he made her hug him and tell him she love him one last time. Then, he had her put his helment on so that she would live, even if it meant that he would die...~ If you would do this for the person you love, copy this and put it in your profile.

4th oldest sibling

My buddy

2nd Longest Best Friend

Half brother

#1 rper in my guild and fellow Resident Evil lover

#2 rper in my guild

Baby sister and (almost) the female version of me

My wolfy rp friend and 4th favorite rper on Gaia

My 2nd favorite rper on gaia

3rd favorite rper on gaia

Greatest friend on gaia