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I've been on and off Gaia for quite some time since I'd rather spend my time IRL than being online. (Well, not really. I'm a netizen sometimes.)
I'm Asian, specifically from the Philippines but you'll rarely catch me talking in the forums in my native language.

I wear thick glasses when I'm too lazy to wear my contact lenses.

I'm a loser that loves manga and anime. I don't particularly like all types of genre especially those that don't have a plot and focus only on shallow things.

I'm a very, very lazy person who thinks that things will get done by themselves.

I'm not so tolerant with emo people. They mope around too much. It's not healthy.

I'm a hypocrite.

Though I'm usually online, I don't post when I don't feel like talking.

I secretly want attention but I'm too shy to admit it when talking to others. Talking to me makes my poor ol' heart happy.

I'm too old for Gaia. Really.

Lizanne Feraille

Lizanne Feraille's avatar

Registered: 11/22/2008

Birthday: 07/19


Vain Lavariel on 10/19/2021


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chozodude Report | 04/16/2016 11:03 am
why am i even doing this gonk
Souxie Report | 11/29/2013 2:26 pm
Hello! biggrin heart
JI a r v i s Report | 07/18/2013 4:55 am
I LOVE YOUR AVI! It's So Steampunk!~ emotion_dowant And you made the legs work with the whole blue theme~ <3
(I love how you incorporated more blue into the steampunk style, unlike the traditional brown or cream~ emotion_bigheart )
Just had to say that~ Okay. Bye. emotion_awesome
chozodude Report | 05/24/2012 11:55 am
Lucunda Somina Report | 02/06/2012 9:12 am
O.O I can here to thank you for buying but I can't leave with out saying.....I love your profile!!!!!! So pretty! ^.^
Souxie Report | 01/31/2012 9:47 am
That is true...but sucks when they give all the hours to a new employee -_-;;
okie, talk to you later! A nap sounds good...I tend to take those a lot lately...rofl
Souxie Report | 01/31/2012 7:55 am
So cut my hours...and since hubby works construction the weather hasn't been great for him to work -_-
so were strugglin' right
feel like bashing my head against my keyboard though...its going out too argh!! lol
brb to get, might be back in a few
-huggles- talk to you later!!
Souxie Report | 01/31/2012 7:46 am
ooh, is she online more now? XD I haven't seen her in forever!

She has a routine of taking out all her bath toys out herself and then watching the water run down the drain...hahahaha
getting ready to take her to her Mamma's house, to the bank and then to work...ugh...we finally moved too! My own place, yay!
Souxie Report | 01/31/2012 7:34 am
Wish there was something I could do for you though -huggles-

Well...fighting Audrey to get out of the tub now...she doesn't wanna get out -flails- rofl XD
Souxie Report | 01/31/2012 7:24 am
Oh no hun, I'm so sorry sad -huggles-
Jaiden Cullen
Pixie Nyxie

My obsession with Vocaloid and Nendoroids. xD