Hi, I'm 21, in college to become a wildlife biologist, and am obsessed with anime, nature, fantasy, odd things, and hoarding pictures on my computer (as you might be able to tell from my page). I sit on my a** at home, have no job, and fear cars so can't drive. But someday I would like to just go somewhere peaceful in the mountains, and maybe travel the world. I want to write books. For fun with friends, I like doing stuff like water balloon fights, glaring contests, doodling, dropping F-bombs, dressing up as Sasquatch, and watching cartoons. On my own, I just sit on my a** doing nothing. Or playing with cats. They're cute! In fact, I foster kitties, and I'm trying to neuter/spay an entire colony half a mile away in my grandparents' neighborhood, which has so far been unsuccessful (no thanks to nobody there wanting to acknowledge it's their problem, including my grandparents). My mother and I have caught countless kittens from over there and they have been adopted out through Petsmart stores, but the adults need to be caught, fixed, and released back which I've been trying to work on, with no more help from my mother or anyone else.Random comments are accepted with glee. But no random friend requests, if you want to be friends, give me a reason.
Fav ships:
AlicexOz and SharonxBreak
AlucardxIntegra, SerasxPip, and RipxCaptain
GermanyxItaly, PrussiaxHungary, and YES - FrUK
ZeeCaptainxPilot xD
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Almost couldn't find the comment button through everything on profile.
I'm coming home in a week!
TOOOOWWWWNNSSSS!!! I don't know where to go. The scary room?!!?!! emotion_c8