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Ambrosia - How much I feel


X-Ukitake1's avatar

Birthday: 09/11

Pork & beans

Haruhi Suzumiya - God Knows

Bleach AMV - Rush

By the way


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hiei_crazed on 03/03/2023


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Bleach Opening 9

Bleach Opening 8

Bleach Opening 7

Bleach Opening 6

Bleach Opening 5

Bleach Opening 4

Bleach Opening 3

Bleach Opening 2

Bleach Opening 1

Inuyasha Ending 8

Inuyasha Ending 7

Inuyasha Ending 6

Inuyasha Ending 5

Inuyasha Ending 4

Inuyasha Ending 3

Inuyasha Ending 2

Inuyasha Ending 1

To Aru Majutsu No Index opening 1

Shakugan No Shana II Opening 2

Shakugan No Shana II Opening 1

Shakugan No Shana I Opening 2

Shakugan No Shana I Opening 1

Kurokami Opening 2 (coming when I can find it)

Kurokami Opening

Kanon Ending

Kanon Opening

Air Ending

Air Opening

Toradora! Ending 2 (accurate subs, just annoying)

Toradora! ending 1 (no subs sadly, oh well)

Toradora! Opening 2

Toradora! Opening 1

Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni Kai Opening

Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni opening

Gintama Ending 8

Gintama Ending 5

Gintama Ending 3

Gintama opening 3

Gintama opening 2

Gintama opening 1

Clannad ~After story~



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..Hmm...What to say..

..My name is Moses..

..I am 19 years old...

..I like pudding...

..I like anime....

..I like music..

..I like the color green..

..I am very contemplative...

..I always wanted some things but it seems they are out of my own reach..

..I think too much for my own good..

..I am a strategist, and a councilor of some sort..

I've only given up on a few things, though I don't like that one bit, though it cannot be helped..

I believe my purpose in life is to help people as much as I can no matter the time or place..

When I'm alone, I tend to think until I fall asleep..

I fear that I may lose too much before I can utilize the time to save and preserve what is dear to me..

I believe some boundaries are meant to be broken, even for the sake of peace..

I am a peace loving person..

I love nature, it's the only thing that seems so calm to me..

I am very moralistic...

I cannot understand how some people do unmoralistic things and not be ashamed or something, but instead, they are proud and are unrepentant..

When I am fired up and dead serious about doing something, it's quite hard to change my mind..

Sometimes I wonder if I had continued to strive for my ideal future, would it have worked..

I will Fight for the sake of peace and for the Honor of my friends and my own..

I will not let you trample over those close to me.

If you do something to any of them, I will make you pay.

Say a wrong thing to me and you will get heat from me..

I refuse to believe that everything will go down hill..

I wonder often why do people kill each other over petty matters.

I wonder "does blood have to be spilled just for someone to be happy?"

Is peace really impossible?

I once had to tell someone, " sure, nothing lasts forever, but you make it last as long as you want, whether it's good or bad"

but in the end, I don't know what to say, because so much happens, I really don't know what move I should make towards everything. What will I do and what can I do when the day the world is thrown into chaos, or better, can it be prevented? I do know one thing for sure, and it's that as long as I'm alive, I will fight, fight for everything I believe in, fight for my family and friends, and most importantly, fight, for the sake of peace.I will never falter, not until I die.


View All Comments

khiaavess Report | 08/22/2011 5:55 am
khiaavess Report | 07/16/2011 3:02 pm
Aww Thanks for the Bday wishes!! *huggles* <3
I x EVANGELINE x I Report | 07/13/2011 3:59 pm
Thank you
MoonHush Report | 03/06/2011 2:38 am
hiei_crazed Report | 09/08/2010 4:24 pm
helloooooooooooooooooooooooo! xd
XxXBloodlust_VampXxX Report | 08/03/2010 6:35 pm
Did you even write Max back?
mavrik max Report | 07/27/2010 11:12 pm
mavrik max
hey uki. long time no talk. it says we're not friends anymore. is that true?!?!?
MoonHush Report | 01/30/2010 9:05 pm
Awwwzzz <3333
MoonHush Report | 01/30/2010 7:27 pm
ROLEPLAYING! biggrin You?
MoonHush Report | 01/30/2010 3:58 pm
And yes :3


Day before yesterday I saw a rabbit, and yesterday a deer, and today, you.
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Bleach - Sparking


My Girl - The Temptations

Island in the sun


A strong man doesn't need to read the future, He makes his own.